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Re: wildlife & crosswalks

I'm sure everyone is thoroughly annoyed at the direction of the list.  First
it's drug searches in Canyon County and now it's constitutional hunting
protection or equal participation oppression or whatever you want to say about

But back to crosswalks and traffic lights.  I saw some story on TV about these
"caution-crosswalk" lights.  Normally you push a crosswalk button and it halts
traffic and it pisses drivers off.  These things were flashing yellow lights
that signify, of course, caution - just like every other flashing yellow (hope
everyone knew that).  They seem particularly appropriate for a street like
Washington where there is a great flow of traffic across many blocks (seven or
so?) and only two lights (3rd and 6th?).

A pedestrian would just push the button and the caution lights would activate.
Drivers would know that a pedestrian was crossing and, hopefully, comply.

It certainly seems safer to me and it wouldn't stop traffic for the length of
time that a stop light would.  The only drawbacks I can see are that drivers
may start expecting the caution lights and not look for pedestrians, and
pedestrians may think that the light is absolute protection against getting
hit by a car.  (It isn't perfect, but it would seem safer in general and
probably better than putting a light at every dang intersection.)

E. O'Daniel

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