Re: wildlife/hunting
>What is so special about wildlife management that the people need to
>be protected from themselves? Remember...this is a *constitutional*
>change...a weakening of the direct democracy process to appease
>special interests.
Anything the voters do must be right... ; )
>Do you fear a different outcome in the future?
No. I fear the repetitive assaults on the will of the people after they have
spoken. I hate the mudslinging and wasted resources that go into such crap.
I hate the divisive effect of all this crap.
>pro-bear cub killing
See above under mud-slinging. That is a blatant lie and you know it. Sure,
some hunters (using the term loosely) probably kill cubs indirectly. (So do
car accidents and Nature herself.) But the overwhelming majority are NOT pro-
cub killing. I could call all the people on your side "fucking idiots" but
that wouldn't make them so, and it does nothing for the validity of what you
are attempting to argue.
E. O'Daniel
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