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Re: wildlife management

Supermajorities in elections are traditionally reserved nationally for
issues that
have tax consequences, such as approving school district bonds, or (I
believe in some states) constitutional amendments (on the theory that a
change in the Constitution should require some sort of general consensus).

In my view, supermajorities have been bad for school financing--folks
whose kids have already gotten out of school have this tendency to forget
that good education of the young benefits the entire economy.  But that
argument is beside this point, which is, what is there about hunting or
wildlife management that is so special it should be put in the same class
as taxation (which at least has the actual and constitutional importance
of taking some of what
would otherwise be your property from you)?  Personally, I don't see it.

Kenneth S. Gallant
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322 USA
208-885-6541 (phone)
208-885-4628 (fax)

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