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RE: How much is that doggie sniffing my car...

Get a grip.  It's the folks who are doing something wrong that have the
worry.  Funny how people cry about  their rights being violated but when
something serious occurs, its...."How could you let this happen" and " Where
were you"....seems like everyone wants to play the "I'm a victim routine"
these days.


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Kenneth Gallant []
	Sent:	November 18,1998 19:50
	Subject:	Re: How much is that doggie sniffing my car...

	I would be interested in determining the pattern of cars that are
	approached, at times when the police officers do not know that they
	being watched.  It would be interesting to see if older cars or
sites at
	which a high percentage of those present are often of Hispanic
origin and
	not well off.  Based on my (little) knowledge of the politics of the
	I wonder whether this campaign is being targeted  at poor Hispanic
	Or the non-wealthy in general.

	I do not recommend keeping any "smell alike" substance in your
trunk.  If
	this search program is legal (as I hope it is not but fear that it
is), a
	hit on the smell alike substance will not vitiate the legality of
	search.  And it will mark you as someone the cops want to continue
to take
	a look at. 

	Kenneth S. Gallant
	Professor of Law
	University of Idaho
	Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322 USA
	208-885-6541 (phone)
	208-885-4628 (fax)

	On Wed, 18 Nov 1998 wrote:

	>  >    Under the plan, the drug dogs would be able to search
	>  >the general public is allowed to go. They wouldn't be able to
	>  >search private property.
	> Well, thank goodness for that.  Only a semi-police state.
	> The obvious answer is to find a legal substance that the dogs will
hit on, and
	> tell everyone to keep a small quantity in their trunk.  Anyone
know of such a
	> substance?
	> And please note that I'm not defending drug users or dealers.  I
just hate
	> excessive police tactics that go against everything American.
	> E. O'Daniel

Mike Curley
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