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Adam is leaving, Reception on Monday


It is with great sadness and the best of wishes that I must say goodbye to
Adam Thornbrough as he prepares to move back to New York.  Adam has been
the watershed program coordinator at PCEI since 1994.  Before that, he
volunteered with PCEI while working towards his Masters degree in the WSU
Environmental Science Program.

We are inviting the PCEI membership and public to the PCEI office this
Monday evening, November 16th from 5:00pm-7:00pm to an after hours
reception and celebration of Adam's work.  The reception will be an
opportunity for people to say goodbye and thank you to Adam.  We will have
wine and hors d'oeuvres. If you like, you may bring food or drink to share.

During his time with PCEI, Adam has embodied the spirit of Paradise Creek
by spending long hours up and down the stream designing restoration
projects, installing erosion control material, and planting tens of
thousands of trees, shrubs, and wetland vegetation.  Adam is known for
cateloging every drain pipe that flows into the stream.  He has sampled
water, written grants, drafted permits, taught children, led field trips,
and made many people smile.  He is a true visionary with a solid core of
pragmatism.  My kids call him "froggy".  If you know Adam, "you can mess
with him, but don't mess with his water."

Please stop by the PCEI office after work or school on Monday.  We are
located at 112 West Fourth in Moscow (behind the Moscow Hotel, just north
of the Farmer's Market).  Please forward this invitation to others. If you
have a picture of Paradise Creek that you would like to donate to a
scrapbook for Adam, bring it with you.  Adam will be leaving next week, so
this may be your last chance to thank him for improving your community


Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
Moscow ID 83843-1096
Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029

Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:

Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
Kathleen Lester, Office Manager/Environmental Education:
Laurie Gardes, Financial Manager:
Adam R. Thornbrough, Watersheds:
Colette DePhelps, Community Food Systems:
Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:

Celebrating twelve years of connecting people, place and community.

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