re: independent films
I think the building ought to become a church again.
Kenton Bird <KBird@vines.ColoState.EDU> wrote:
> Hi, folks,
> I've been lurking on the list the past few weeks after my
late-October visit
> to Moscow reminded me of how much I missed the place.
> John Francis' posting about independent films at the SUB reminded me
of my
> viewing before Halloween of the classic silent film "Nosferatu" at
the Rialto
> theatre in Loveland (12 miles south of Fort Collins). It was my
first visit
> to the Rialto, which is owned by the city and was beautifully
restored several
> years ago to its original art-deco splendor. It's used for several
> series, as well as live entertainment (Emmylou Harris played there
> summer).
> Has anyone explored the possibility of the city and/or a non-profit
> society taking over the Micro, for films and/or performance space?
During my
> time in Moscow, I often thought about making a contribution to keep
the Micro
> afloat or paying annual dues to receive the schedule. Did Bob Suto
pursue any
> alternatives to a commercial business?
> And has anyone heard any more about Carmike building a 12-screen
complex in
> Pullman and closing the Kenworthy and Nuart? That would be a great
loss to
> downtown Moscow, not to mention a great contributor to traffic
congestion on
> the M-P highway. Perhaps someone should approach the Kenworthy
family (which
> owns the buildings) about the possibility of donating one of the
theatres to
> the city or a non-profit group if Carmike follows through on this
> Fort Collins' last downtown cinema closed several years ago, before
I moved
> here. There are two four-screen movie houses and one 10-screen
> two to five miles from my home. I realize now how lucky Moscow and
> are to have downtown theatres within walking and/or biking distance
of nearly
> everyone in town. I hope you can preserve and nurture that asset.
> --Kenton
> ****************************************************************
> Kenton Bird
> Department of Journalism & Technical Communication
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO 80523-1785
> Phone: (970) 491-5986 Fax: (970) 491-2908
> ****************************************************************
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