Re: More Calls for Political Correctness
At 03:47 PM 11/7/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Catholics Target Ally McBeal
>The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is fuming over Monday's
>episode, in which Ally represents a nun who decides to sue the Catholic
>Church after she loses her job for breaking her vow of celibacy.
>In a letter sent to Fox's chief executive for broadcasting standards
>Wednesday, the group expressed concern for what it calls a "clear and
>intentional pattern of Catholic bashing" on the show.
>Among the more colorful comments from the episode: Ally says that "nuns are
>not supposed to have sex except with other nuns," while the nun in question
>says, "A priest has sex with a boy, he gets transferred.… At least my lover
>was of legal age."
Wow. I don't watch much TV, but I did see an episode of Ally McBeal once.
Her character is constantly making off-the-cuff, foot-in-mouth comments,
and that is the only pattern that seems to be continued in the episode in
question. As a former Catholic, I think the objections of The Catholic
League for Religious and Civil Rights have their origin in the accuracy of
McBeal's comments. Sedition is a crime, and the accuracy of seditious
comments is not a defense, but an additional reason for condemnation.
Robert Hoffmann 115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
Alt-Escape Adventures Moscow, ID 83843 USA Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (208) 883-8545
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