Bike/auto discussion.....
I'll spare everyone the 1000 or so lines it would take to detail the
incidents that are the source of my frustrations with other drivers,
cyclists, and pedestrians when I'm using a different mode of
transportation than they are........
What I think is lacking in many people is an understanding of what
is acceptable behavior when riding, walking, or driving. Most of the
times I've felt threatened while on a bike were the result of
motorists who thought I was invading their turf or who didn't
understand their responsibilities when operating a motor vehicle
around cyclists. Most of the times that I've almost had a bicycle
for a hood ornament were the result of bike riders who don't
understand their responsibilites regarding right-of-way, stop signs,
lane usage, crossWALKs, etc.
Rather than organizing events that border on civil disobedience and
further polarizing people, I think people with time to spare should
spend that time trying to help more people understand what their
responsibilities are when walking around traffic, when riding a
bicycle in traffic, or when operating a motor vehicle. A better
understanding of those responsibilities, combined with a little more
civility, would go a long way toward making us all feel a little safer.
Jeff Griffin
Affirmative Technologies
Affirmative Technologies: Positive Solutions
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