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Re: Visions of Third Street Downtown Corridor

The Moscow Bicycle Advisory Commission (BAC) recently met with two
representatives from the Idaho Transportation Dept. (ITD) regarding a
number of issues.  One of the topics we discussed was pedestrian crossing
and crosswalks in the downtown area (on State Hwy 95).  The BAC has been
trying to persuade ITD to include a pedestrian crosswalk in the new South
Couplet near Jackson and 8th/College because of the high number of ped and
bike crossings there.  ITD strongly opposes a crosswalk there and will not
put one in. 

In fact, ITD strongly opposes any crosswalks other than at
signalized intersections. According to the ITD representatives, peds and
bikes should go down to a signalized intersection and cross.  However,
they do not suggest that, for example,  motorized traffic should take
detours for safety reasons, say to avoid the currently-dangerous sharp
curves in the South Couplet. 

Admittedly, the crosswalks in multiple lane streets can be very dangerous
when some cars stop and others cannot see the pedestrian.  Also, ITD fears
pedestrians use the crosswalks with too little caution -- running out in
front of vehicles because they feel have the right-of-way.  I'm sure it
happens sometimes. 

Thus, I don't think ITD will be very interested in helping pedestrians
cross at 4th and Washington. (And since this is a state highway, I believe
ITD has the say in what happens).  The only pedestrian-friendly measures
they supported were overpasses and underpasses.  The new federal
transportation bill (TEA-21 I think) does offer some grant possibilties
for projects such as these. (ITD would not build one of these from its own

But most disappointing to me is that one of our City Council members,
Tony Johnson, is also adamantly opposed to pedestrian crosswalks (without 
a signal). He stated at the meeting that if the law that requires vehicles
to stop for pedestrians was a city law (it's a state law), he would work
to repeal it. He feels pedestrians should cross at their own risk. Does he
feel efficiency for truck travel comes above  downtown pedestrian safety
and a pedestrian friendly downtown? Pedestrians and bicyclists are very
important to the success of the Farmer's Market and downtown businesses.
Like any mode of transportation, pedestrians like to be efficient also. I
think the crosswalks at least funnel many pedestrians to some designated
spots. Otherwise they will cross even more unpredictably.  

The BAC continues to work on these issues and will be interested in
hearing others' comments.  We also have an open position on our commission
and would welcome a new member. There is also a Moscow Transportation
Commission forming soon which will be open to interested citizens.

Diane Prorak
BAC member

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