Re: Optional form of govt
I have had the same thoughts about the number of commissioners
as expressed here. However, I am considering voting for the change
because I think that we can't very well push to have more
commissioners on the assumption that (a) we will thereafter obtain a
majority vote on the optional form of govt issue, and (b) that if we
do, having 3 commissioners will be a disaster. And because I'm not
very happy with the current form. Electing a sheriff and coroner
seems pretty crazy to me.
While it may seem a bit chaotic or at least risky to change and see
what happens, I'm not confident that our collective expectations of
disaster and more egregious political infighting will prove accurate
either. I am therefore, willing to "send a message" to the
commissioners changing our form of government with the hope and
expectation that they understand they can't duck responsibility by
pointing at some other elected official. They either do the job as
the majority of us wants or we (a) vote them out or (b) increase
their number or (c) both. I don't think we can build the bridge to
better government until we lay this foundation.
I too am guilty of not having participated in the process before the
report was issued. The lack of public input causes me to wonder if
I were appointed to a committee if I would just want to make a report
after the first meeting, since once something is actually proposed
public input increases exponentially.
And as long as I'm purging my soul today, I'll also confess to not
having read the full report. Priscilla, if you're out there, this
sure looks like one of those issues about which the public could use
some education and information without having to ask Ken Gallant to
answer every question that's raised. Maybe we could have several
people read the report and discuss the pros and cons--without
necessarily trying to "convince" anyone yes or no, but to provide a
balanced look at what the committee found was wrong with what we have
and how this might help. Is this an issue we could or should
Mike Curley
From: "Bert
Cross" <> To: Date:
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:10:45 +0000 Subject: Optional form
of govt Priority: normal
I've read the full report and listened to arguments pro and con and
have decided to vote against the optional form of county government.
The thing that bothers me most is still having only three
commissioners. We have seen what havoc only two commissioners can
cause (look at Bonner County). I would opt for at least five. And
since their work load would be diminished, salaries should be reduced
to help pay the county administrator's salary. We also might
consider making the commssion offices non-partisan. The commission
would then be a policy-making body with the adminstrator carrying out
its policies.
The ironic thing in the current election is this: If I vote for
assessor, county clerk, and county treasurer and then vote FOR the
optional form, I am then voting to rescind my three prior votes.
I agree we need to fine-tune our county government and make it more
efficient and effective. The county manager concept is generally a
good one. More officers should be appointed rather than elected. But
we need to work out some of the bugs before we jump to this rather
drastic and sudden change.
I also must plead guilty to failing in my own civic responsibility
when the study commission was seeking public input, as many of us
Bert Cross
1448 Borah Ave.
Moscow, ID 83843
Phone: (208) 882-7660
Mike Curley
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