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Re: Optional forms of local gov't--Report & Ballot Q

Yes, the Optional Forms of County Government Study Commission issued a big
report (including both the majority's conclusions and reasons and Tom
Idol's minority 
report). I believe it can be found on the Latah County website. Copies
were distributed to the libraries around the County as well as other
public places.  There are a bunch of copies in the County Commissioners'
office in the County Courthouse.  I also have some copies available, and I
suspect other members of the Study Commission have a few as well.  
The HQ's of the two parties should have some as well.

There is also a single sheet summary of the proposal available at the
courthouse and perhaps on the website as well.  I have been leaving copies
of this around town with whoever will take them.  This is a neutral,
non-advocacy fact sheet.

ALSO, it is important for everyone to note that, per state law, the
ballot question in NOT a YES or NO question.
Instead, you go to the back of the ballot book, after all the State
And in order to ADOPT the new plan you vote
	COUNTY GOVERNMENT . . .. (there is a long description of the plan)

In order to REJECT the plan you vote
	IN FAVOR OF RETAINING . . . (description of current form of govt)

Kenneth S. Gallant
Professor of Law  Title for Identification ONLY
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322 USA
208-885-6541 (phone)
208-885-4628 (fax)

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Steve Cooke wrote:

> Dear Visionaries,
>  Does anyone know if the Study Commission on Optional Forms of County Gov't 
> issued a written report? If they did, is it availabe? perhaps even 
> accessible on line?
> Steve Cooke

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