Micro closing
As most of you have heard by now, the Micro is folding at the end of this
week. It's a sad event for Moscow. Of the hundred best films I've seen in
Moscow over many years, I'll bet ninety played only at the Micro.
Now, with one small exception, we're going to be limited to mainstream
Hollywood product, a gloomy thought indeed.
That small exception is a series of foreign and independent films being
shown at the UI SUB. I would urge everyone interested in keeping at least
a trickle of independent films coming to Moscow to attend these showing so
that Chris Day, the young woman in charge of bringing them, is encouraged
to continue.
Next week she's showing The Butcher Boy, a critically acclaimed film from
Ireland, and two weeks later the newest film by John Sayles, one of
America's best independent directors.
Being limited to mainstream Hollywood is a bit like being told you can only
read best-sellers. And video is a poor substitute; watching a good film
on video is like listening to a symphony over the telephone -- you get the
general idea but miss the nuances.
Our city has become a poorer place.
John Francis
311 East 6th St., #2, Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 883-0105
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