Re: Alleged Wyoming hate crime
The Events page ( of the Moscow
Food Co-op now lists two events concerning the killing of a gay student in
Wyoming, plus the schedule of a "Take back the Night" event at WSU.
The events page also lists candidate debates that you can hear on the
radio, cable, and Internet.
Feel free to submit events, links, and information to the Food Co-op Web
site, particularly if such events etc. are in line with the mission
statement of the Co-op ( I'm
always disappointed when I find out about past blood drives, rallies,
benefits, etc., that could have been posted, had the Co-op's Web Master
(me) been informed.
I encourage community members to bookmark the Co-op's events page, as it is
a good resource for happenings in and around the Palouse.
Robert Hoffmann 115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
Alt-Escape Adventures Moscow, ID 83843 USA Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (208) 883-8545
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