RE: Curbside Recycling
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At 01:26 PM 10/12/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Phil, concur with you on the curbside recycling program. Having grown up in
>Moscow, I will tell you a much larger percentage of residents will recycle
>their cans, paper products, etc., if they can place these materials at the
>base of their driveways for pick-up at a designated time.
My 2 cents? I also support curbside recycling. Used food containers
(cans, jars, etc.) should be cleaned before recycling, so they don't have a
scent to attract dogs. This also ensures a high quality (and higher sale
price) of Moscow recyclables, ensuring success of the program. By the way,
dogs are quite capable of overturning trash cans with unseparated contents,
so I think curbside recycling would be an improvement over the status quo.
I have one question that no one has addressed here. Will separation of
trash be mandatory? I think it should be. I think that this throw-away
society is deplorable. If people have to recycle the packaging that they
purchase, then they will tend to save effort by purchasing things with less
packaging. Or not purchase wasteful items in the first place. I recycle
as best I can, and my non-recyclable waste stream amounts to perhaps a full
trash can every three or four months. Your milage may vary, especially
depending on family size.
Robert Hoffmann 115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
Alt-Escape Adventures Moscow, ID 83843 USA Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (208) 883-8545
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