RE: Chairman
It is my view that any of the optional forms of county
government--including the one proposed for Latah County (three
commissioners, appointed manager, mostly appointed row officers)--allow
the Board of Commissioners to choose a chair.
Kenneth S. Gallant
Professor of Law
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho 83844-2322 USA
208-885-6541 (phone)
208-885-4628 (fax)
On Sat, 3 Oct 1998 wrote:
> >I think you're right, but I don't think that the current form of county
> >government, as legislated initially for all counties in the state, has a
> >defined possition of Chairman of the three elected commisioners. Does
> >anyone out there know if it this is a legally constituted possition??
> Idaho Code:
> 31-705. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. The members of the board of commissioners
> must, at their first regular meeting on the second Monday of January next
> after their election, elect a chairman from their number.
> This appears to be for the mandated form of county government. I don't know
> if it is applicable to any of the optional board-type govts, and I must
> confess ignorance of Latah county's current form. It appears there were three
> commissioners at the 21 September meeting. If we have a regular three-member
> board one of those three should probably be chairman.
> Idaho Code available at:
> E. O'Daniel
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