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Re: Vision2020 Archives

Don & Vision2020,

The complete Vision 2020 for August 1998 has been recoverd and is back
in the archives.  In late August I reorganized the Vision-2020
historic archives into a format that I hope is easier to browse.
Apparently the first two-thirds of August 1998 was lost in the move.
Its been restored.  Thanks for the heads-up.

Bill Moore
System Administrator    First Step Research
(208) 882-8869		Moscow, Idaho   83843

>>>>> "Don" == Don Roskovich <> writes:

    > What happened to the recent Vision2020 Archives?  Have some been lost?
    > Couldn't help but notice that half the month of August is missing.  What
    > happened to all the discussion on "Molly Ivins on the State of Idaho"...the
    > encounter with "Deputy Tim"...."Income Inequality"...."Free Food" and
    > "Infrastructure Improvements" just to name a few?  Is it all lost forever,
    > floating around homeless in electronic Lala Land?    

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