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community kitchen

Hello all,

I would like to develop a team to work on the process of developing a
shared use commercial kitchen or kitchen network.  With the assistance of
a Partnership 2020 grant from WSU the YWCA of WSU and PCEI have begun a
project to develop this idea. I have already done considerable research
and have visited other commerical kitchens in the region.  I've also been
working with the Kooteniai County Extension as they develop their plans
for a community kitchen network. 

A community kitchen network could be a regional economic asset. 
Considerable enthusiasm is developing in Pullman for the idea and I know
it has been discussed here in Moscow. I'd like to bring the two
communities together to work on creating an action plan.  Are any of you
out there interested in offering a bit of your time to make this happen? 

Initially, we won't be discussing location.  I have had several offers to
locate a kitchen in any number of places in both Whitman and Latah
counties.  Developing and keeping clients seems to be the greatest
challenge faced by currently operating commercial kitchens.  The issue we
need to address initially is locating potential and discovering what their
needs are. 

I'll be attending a commercial kitchen network seminar in Great Falls next
week. Upon my return I'll try to set up a meeting for sharing ideas and
developing a plan.

Hope to see you,

Peggy Adams

"How we eat determines to a considerable extent how the world is used."

						Wendell Berry

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