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Fwd: BOCC Proceedings for 8/10/98

>From Tue Aug 18 09:08:02 1998
>Received: from brad ( []) by (8.8.7/8.7.3) with SMTP id JAA13273; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 
09:09:30 -0700 (PDT)
>Priority: Normal
>To: Bill London <>,
>        Carol in Planning & Building <>,
>        Louise Barber <>,
>        sally fredericks <>,
>        Tom Trail <>, "W." Robb Parish 
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>From: Board of Commissioners <>
>Subject: BOCC Proceedings for 8/10/98
>Date: Tue, 18 Aug 98 08:14:01 PDT
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; X-MAPIextension=".TXT"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>	Week of August 10, 1998
>Commissioners Harry DeWitt, Thomas L. Spangler and Loreca J. 
>Stauber met in regular session.  The following actions were taken:
>Signed and Filed Commissioners' Proceedings for the Week of August 
>3, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 41N 05W 34 5413; mobile home is not set-up yet.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 41N 01E 31 5841; mobile home is not set-up and is 
>for sale.
>Denied request for solid waste fee adjustment on parcel number MH 
>24CT C000 06; requested 1996 fees to be canceled.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 42N 05W 35 8420A; home for sale since 1997.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number RPO 1620 0000 510; home is non-liveable, no water or 
> Approved, Signed and Filed request for solid waste fee adjustment on 
>parcel number MH 38N 03W 23 4601A; mobile home is only being 
>stored at this time.
>Filed Fee Report from Clerk/Auditor/Recorder for July 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to transfer funds in the amount of 
>$2,000 from fund line 01-14-804-03 to fund line 01-14-407-00, Data 
>Processing department.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Resolution No. 98-10. A resolution 
>establishing procedures for the purchase of goods and services by the 
>Latah County government.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Public Defender hours for the month of 
>July 1998 from Steven C. Mahaffy.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Public Defender hours for the month of 
>July 1998 from Gregory C. Dickison.
>Week of August 10, 1998
>Page 2
>Approved, Signed and Filed Conflict Public Defender hours for the 
>month of July 1998 from D. Ray Barker.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to hire Vicky MacArthur as Social 
>Services Director/Deputy Clerk.  Table of Organization Social Services 
>department 01D, Line 02. Effective August 12, 1998.
>Filed resignation of Chris Fadness from Latah County Arts and Culture 
>Committee.  Effective August 3, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to appoint Chrisstina Hamilton to 
>the Coordinator position for the Arts and Culture Committee for the 
>months of August and September 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho 
>College by Ryan Robert Hall.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho 
>College by Jason B. Keep.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to College of 
>Southern Idaho by Scott Wayne Luther.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to surplus property in Sheriff's 
>Office.  One straight-backed chair, Latah County tag #00495, no 
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to surplus District Court Law 
>Library copy machine, ID #1628485, Latah County tag #01317 and 
>transfer to Data Processing Department.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to donate copier to Disaster 
>Services.  One Canon NP-3225/3225F.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Ordinance #195.  Adoption of City of 
>Moscow Ordinance No. 98-24 "Wallace Rezone".  Commissioners 
>Spangler and DeWitt vote yes and Commissioner Stauber abstained.
>Void Independent Contractor Agreement between Loyal Fleener and 
>Latah County for disposal and sale of such diseased and dead trees at 
>Robinson Park.
>Convened in Executive Session at 10:46 a.m. on August 10, 1998, to 
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent, 
>pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 10:58 a.m.
>Week of August 10, 1998
>Page 3
>Convened in Executive Session at 9:00 a.m. on August 12, 1998, to 
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, 
>pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 10:08 a.m.; 
>ten (10) cases approved and one (1) case denied.
>Motion and Order to accept the acknowledgment and 
>recommendations by Compensation Committee dated July 31, 1998 for 
>Switchboard Operator, Maintenance Mechanic I, Maintenance 
>Mechanic II, Housekeeper (full time), Housekeeper (part-time) and 
>Administrative Assistant and Deputy Clerk of the Board of 
>Commissioners.  With the exception of Building and Grounds Director 
>status to be DH4 and Parks and Recreation Manager job description 
>amended to included requirement to live at trailer located at Robinson 
>Motion and Order to amend all job descriptions for department heads 
>under the Board of Commissioners to read "Reports to Chairman, Board 
>of Commissioners".
>All documents are available for inspection in the office of the 
>Susan Petersen
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>APPROVED:					, Chair
>ATTEST:					, Deputy Clerk

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