Re: letter to the editor
Are you reading the same editorial I think you're addressing
(full text at
Nowhere do I read that Sump would like to defund meeting places
for gays and lesbians. It's homophobic Republican Senator Bob
Sump's mission to annihilate the PRIVATELY funded Gay, Lesbian,
and Bisexual Allies programs from the WSU campus.
It might be wise to vote him out of office this November and elect
a representative to tackle bigger problems like reducing hatred,
intolerance, and discrimination in society rather than orchestrating
At 08:40 AM 8/4/98 -0700, Briana LeClaire wrote:
>Re: your laughably sophomoric editorial of August 3rd titled,
>"Lawmakers flaunt ignorance, bigotry."
>Senator Sump of Washington would like to defund the taxpayer-sponsored
>meeting place for gays and lesbians at WSU. What's to prevent said
>group from meeting at the library? Or reserving a meeting room time at
>the CUB? Last time I checked, gays and lesbians enjoyed the same
>freedom of assembly guaranteed to all Americans under the Constitution.
>Or do all constituencies need their own taxpayer-sponsored individual
>meeting places? If so, this letter will serve as my request for an
>office at the UI SUB specifically for stay-at-home mothers of
>preschoolers. I want to be sure to get my fair share.
>Briana LeClaire
>Get your free address at
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