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RE: LMT article dtd 3 Aug 98

Right, and without a strong defense for our country you can kiss all you
listed below goodbye!  We lead the way and must continue to do so.

Phil Cooper

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Robert Hoffmann []
	Sent:	August 05,1998 12:45
	Subject:	Re: LMT article dtd 3 Aug 98

	At 08:38 AM 8/5/98 -0700, you wrote:
	>I find this rhetoric troubling.  We "employers" are not willing
to pay
	>public school teachers a decent wage but nonetheless expect
them to
	>continue to school themselves, be creative, etc. etc. etc.  The
fact that
	>some people continue to do so far beyond anything reasonable is
	>The fact that only a few day is completely understandable.
	>Dale Goble
	Let's turn over 90% of the defense budget (or more accurately,
the Budget
	for Foreign Military Intervention) to domestic purposes, and I
bet we could
	raise the education level in the U.S. to that of a First World
Nation.  Of
	course, we could simultaneously provide universal health care,
	comprehensive unemployment benefits & job retraining, major
	initiatives, desperately needed infrastructure investment, youth
	care for the elderly & handicapped, and other things that our
	doesn't define as worthy to "defend."

	Robert Hoffmann                      115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
	Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
		             Fax:   (208) 883-8545

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