Fwd: BOCC Proceedings for 7/20/98
>From Thu Jul 30 11:47:21 1998
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>To: Bill London <>,
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>From: Board of Commissioners <>
>Subject: BOCC Proceedings for 7/20/98
>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 98 10:44:16 PDT
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> Week of July 20, 1998
>Commissioners Harry DeWitt, Thomas L. Spangler and Loreca J.
>Stauber met in regular session. The following actions were taken:
>Signed and Filed Commissioners' Proceedings for the Week of July
>13, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Alcoholic Beverage License for
>Wingers, An American Diner, 1484 S. Blaine, Moscow.
>Directed Parks and Recreation Manager to gather quotes for vehicle
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for 2,500 Latah County Maps to
>be done by Diamond Peak Lithograph at a total cost of $1,000.00.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for payment for additional
>premium for adding vehicle to ICRMP insurance policy. 1998 Jeep
>Cherokee Sport - Sheriff's Office at a total cost of $229.00.
>Filed Certificate of Insurance for Johnson Trucking from ICRMP.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on Statement of
>Treasurer's Cash as of May 8, 1998 from Hayden, Ross & Co.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for cancellation of taxes on
>parcel number RPB 1260 0090 070A, due to hardship.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for cancellation of taxes on
>parcel number MHJ 1440 0030 09F, circuit breaker error in 1997 to
>do with homeowner exemption.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to hire Teah Jill Jones, 4-H
>Program Assistant. Table of Organization County Extension Office
>Department 20, line 05. Effective July 14, 1998.
>Filed resignation of Linda James, Director Social Services/Deputy
>Clerk. Table of Organization Social Services Department 01D, Line
>02. Effective July 24, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho
>College by Danna Wilder.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho
>College by Jamie-Linda Upthegrove.
>Week of July 20, 1998
>Page 2
>Approved, Signed and Filed declaration of surplus property from
>Auditor's office. One IBM Selectric II typewriter, serial # 3307137,
>county tag # 01957, in good conditions; one IBM correcting Selectric
>II typewriter, serial # 3788964, county tag # 01976 does not correct
>well; one gray metal typewriter stand, operational.
>Having held a public hearing as provided by law, shall adjust the
>1997-1998 budget as follows: to increase the Emergency Medical
>Services Fund line 39-00-812-00 a total of $4,304; to increase the
>Jail Reimbursement Projects Fund line 08-45-504-00 in the amount of
>$3,000; to increase the Justice Juvenile Probation Fund line
>08-31-716-02 by $89; to increase the Search and Rescue Fund line
>01-32-802-00 in the amount of $1,500; to increase District Court
>Fund line 06-00-806-00 by $3,000; and to increase the Emergency
>911 Fund line 33-00-806-00 by a total of $20,000. These funds are
>unscheduled revenues and the expenditure of these funds will be at
>no additional cost to the taxpayers of Latah County. We direct the
>County Auditor to make the necessary adjustments.
>Minutes and tape are on file in the Auditor's Office.
>Motion and Order to sustain the findings and decision of the Zoning
>Commission on Kramer Rezone Request #573 to deny the request.
>Request by Paul and Shirley Kramer for a rezone from
>Agriculture/Forestry (A/F) to Rural Residential-3 acre minimum (RR-3)
>of an 11.72 acre parcel. The parcel is located on the south side of
>Sand Road, approximately 1 = miles southeast of the city of
>Moscow, in Section 25, Township 39 North, Range 6 West, B.M. in
>Latah County. Minutes and tape are on file in the Auditor's Office.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request to remove the spiral stairway in
>the Treasurer's office vault and place a support flooring/ceiling panel
>in the stairwell opening between the first floor and basement floor
>vault. Directed Building and Grounds Director to begin project.
>Convened in Executive Session at 9:00 a.m. on July 22, 1998, to
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent
>cases, pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at
>9:35 a.m.; sixteen (16) cases approved and one (1) case denied.
>All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
>Susan Petersen
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>APPROVED: , Chair
>ATTEST: , Deputy Clerk
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