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Fwd: BOCC Proceedings for 7/13/98

>From Tue Jul 21 09:24:27 1998
>Received: from brad ( []) by (8.8.7/8.7.3) with SMTP id JAA06614; Tue, 21 Jul 1998 
09:27:57 -0700 (PDT)
>Priority: Normal
>To: Bill London <>,
>        Carol in Planning & Building <>,
>        Louise Barber <>,
>        sally fredericks <>,
>        Tom Trail <>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>From: Board of Commissioners <>
>Subject: BOCC Proceedings for 7/13/98
>Date: Tue, 21 Jul 98 08:30:08 PDT
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; X-MAPIextension=".TXT"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>	Week of July 13, 1998
>Commissioners Harry DeWitt, Thomas L. Spangler and Loreca J. 
>Stauber met in regular session.  The following actions were taken:
>Signed and Filed Commissioners' Proceedings for the Week of July 6, 
>Nominated Commissioner Thomas L. Spangler to serve on the Capital 
>Crimes Defense Fund Idaho Association of Counties Board.
>Approved, Signed and Filed Latah County's Intent to Participate in the 
>Capital Crimes Defense Fund.
>Unanimous verbal authorization given to Gary O'Keefe to oversee 
>weed control measurers at county owned sections of the Sunset 
>Memorial Gardens.  Minutes on file in Auditor's office.
>Motion and Order to authorize that revenue in the amount of $50,000 
>be transferred from Current Expense revenue 01-00 to Industrial 
>Property Litigation Revenue 42-00.  Pursuant to Motion and Order of 
>the Board of Commissioners dated May 4, 1998 Budget 42-00 Industrial 
>Property Litigation Department was created; however, the revenue 
>fund was not established.  We direct the County Auditor to make the 
>necessary transfer.
>Filed Notice of Loss Ledger from Clerk/Auditor.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for one year only solid waste fee 
>adjustment on parcel number MH 23CT A000 2A, house or mobile 
>home is gone from the property.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for one year only solid waste fee 
>adjustment on parcel number M 39N 05W 0699 99A, home or mobile 
>home is currently unoccupied.
>Denied request for solid waste fee adjustment on parcel number RP 
>37N 03W 0416 55.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for permanent solid waste fee 
>adjustment on parcel number RPO 1660 0090 07A, house or mobile 
>home is non-liveable.
>Week of July 13, 1998
>Page 2
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for one year only solid waste fee 
>adjustment on parcel number MH 39N 04W 0460 13, house is vacant 
>but liveable.
>Filed Public Defender hours for the month of June 1998 from Steven C. 
>Filed Public Defender hours for the month of June 1998 from Brian D. 
>Filed Public Defender hours for the month of June 1998 from Gregory 
>C. Dickison.
>Approved, Signed and Filed successful completion of three year 
>employment increment by Ryan Monogue, Patrol Deputy.  Table of 
>Organization Sheriff's Operations Department 04B, Line 12.  Effective 
>July 1, 1998.
>Filed resignation of Ryan Monogue, Patrol Deputy.  Table of 
>Organization Sheriff's Operations Department 04B, Line 12.  Effective 
>July 26, 1998.
>Approved, Signed and Filed request for tuition aid to North Idaho 
>College by Melinda N. Colton.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on annual 
>maintenance agreement between IKON Office Solutions and Latah 
>County Sheriff's Office for copier model S2035, serial number 36203722 
>for $1,552 at $.016 charge per copy.
>Motion and Order to authorize the Chair's signature on annual 
>maintenance agreement between IKON Office Solutions and Latah 
>County District Court for copier model S8570, serial number 26201590 
>for $1,420 at $.0142 charge per copy.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to transfer 
>homeowner's exemption from parcel number MH 03CT 000 17A to 
>parcel number MH 03CT 0000 1A owned by Debbie Davis.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to exempt 
>parcel number PPG 004 in accordance with 63-602D of Idaho Code for 
>CT Scanner leased by Gritman Medical Center from GE Credit 
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to adjust the 
>value on parcel number RPM 0040 0040 07CA to $366,200 owned by 
>Kerby M. Cole.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to adjust the 
>value on parcel number RPM 1140 0010 160A to $120,900 owned by 
>Kerby M. Cole.
>Week of July 13, 1998
>Page 3
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to accept the 
>print-out (attached) of apartment complexes for 1998 valuation using a 
>10.3% capitalization rate.
>Sitting as Board of Equalization motion and order passed to close as 
>Board of Equalization.
>Convened in Executive Session at 10:01 a.m. on July 14, 1998, to 
>discuss records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, 
>pursuant to Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d); adjourned at 10:20 a.m.; 
>seven (7) cases approved and two (2) cases denied.
>FY'99 Budget Presentation given by County Coroner Dr. Dan Schmidt.  
>No decision made at this time.
>Motion and Order to authorize Gary O'Keefe to coordinate volunteer 
>work (weeding, mowing, litter pick-up) on the county tax-deeded 
>property located at Sunset Memorial Gardens with the understanding 
>that all volunteers (children and adults) will sign a volunteer's 
>release liability or guardian's authorization and release for minor 
>All documents are available for inspection in the office of the 
>Susan Petersen
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
>Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
>APPROVED:					, Chair
>ATTEST:					, Deputy Clerk

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