Re: Paradise
Wait a minute! Some of you seem to accept the
newspaper's account and other hearsay as fact.
But, remember there's two sides to this story,
and the includes the Itani's.
Before making any rash decisions, let's get
the facts first, from both sides, then decide
on a course of action.
I've spoken with Mary Sue Itani and my
understanding is that the Itani's have been,
and continue to be concerned about
maintaining the integrity of this section
of Paradise Creek. To wit, they've
repaired the damage that has occurred to the
stream (by removing sediment and re-channeling
the oxbow) and have taken action to prevent
future erosion.
As for promises of acres of land for a park, it's
apparent that there's been no "meeting of the
minds." Neither side can agree on exactly what
was promised. Perhaps we need some
more dialog between the parties.
According to Mary Sue, they, as developers
are required by the city to put in the extensive access
roads. The construction of roads, even under the best
of conditions, often leads to significant erosion.
So let's all calm down. I'm as concerned as
you are about preserving what we can,
where we can.
We all want to live in a nice home (and world).
And building homes will impact the
environment. The Itani's are reasonable
people. It's much better to work with
them and agree on a workable solution!
John A Hauser
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