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Re: vision2020-digest Digest V98 #146

Dear Kay-   I was very interested in your comments about public schooling
in Moscow.  May I ask what you base your experience on?  Did you attend
school in Moscow?  You say you have no children yet you speak as though you
personally know our district.  I have lived in Moscow for 35 years,
attended school all 12 years here and graduated from the University of
Idaho.  I presently have two children in  the public school system here in
Moscow and I beg to differ with you!  You would be hard pressed to find a
school in the United States that does not have its problems but speaking
from experience, we are very lucky here in Moscow.  I know many teachers
throughout Moscow and am proud to say they are getting it done!   They
spend countless ours in and out of the classroom helping and supporting the
youth of this community.  I am proud my children are being educated by
these individuals!  I cannot speak about Logos as I do not have a child
there but don't assume that ethics and morals don't exist in the public
schools, they do!  It is apparent to me you do not know much about our


      Michelle Green

At 09:39 AM 7/21/98 -0700, you wrote:
>vision2020-digest Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 146
>Today's Topics:
>	 Re: Moscow school enrollment declines
>	 Moscow at the Aryan Nations march
>	 RE: Moscow at the Aryan Nations march
>	 Heart of the Arts revived
>	 Re: Moscow Pool & public art
>	 Stream Restoration Workshop and Grants
>	 threats to PCEI stream project
>	 Re: threats to PCEI stream project
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:05:49 -0600
>From: "Caras Management Co." <>
>To: "Robert Probasco" <>, "Vision 2020" <>
>Cc: <>, "Moscow Schools" <>
>Subject: Re: Moscow school enrollment declines
>Message-Id: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>I am sure there are many reasons but, from past events it should be quite
>clear to you all by now that you will never Know the truth.
>Personally, should I ever have children and live in Moscow or Pullman,
>public education is the LAST PLACE I would send my child!!!  Aside from the
>teachers not being able to teach via the methods that they feel will work,
>the system doesn't make for very good baby-sitters either.  If you want
>your children to have a good education in Moscow and you don't have time to
>home school then send them to Logos, even if you are not thrilled about the
>Biblical study aspect, which is something everyone should study if for no
>other reason than to have something to base your religious beliefs/opinions
>on.  I have seen many young people come away from logos with a far more
>superior education than those who have had to muddle there way through the
>declining public education system.
>Kay Henson
>> From: Robert Probasco <>
>> To: Vision 2020 <>
>> Cc:; Moscow Schools <>
>> Subject: Moscow school enrollment declines
>> Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 6:24 PM
>> Is the Daily Snooze unaware of the continuing growth of home schooling
>> private schooling in the Moscow district?  
>> Is there any other reason why the front page article of the weekend
>> edition omits any mention of these factors?
>> 	Robert Probasco
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:32:15 -0700
>From: Robert Hoffmann <>
>Subject: Moscow at the Aryan Nations march
>Message-Id: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Idaho is too Great for Hate—This is the message that Moscow area residents
>brought to Coeur D'Alene on Saturday.  Our goal was simple—to demonstrate
>to racists that they do not represent the Idaho citizenry, and to
>demonstrate to the media and the public around the world that the Aryan
>Nations is an extremist group without popular support.   Hastily organized
>Palouse residents provided a powerful and unified voice of opposition
>against the Aryan Nations and its contingent of racists.  In under a week,
>we brought together a diverse group of about 50 demonstrators, a
>significant accomplishment considering that the A.N., with months to plan,
>could only scrape together 92 racists from across the country for their
>march of shame.
>I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who organized our
>presence, those who attended our counter-demonstration, and those who
>stopped by our table on Friendship Square to offer words of support and to
>make donations.  Contributions from the community made it possible to rent
>two vans which, combined with car pooling, guaranteed sufficient and
>convenient transportation.  So long as communities come together in this
>way, we are confident that "Never Again" is not merely an empty slogan, but
>an obligation which we are proud to fulfill.
>Robert Hoffmann                      115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
>Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA
>            Phone: (208) 883-0642
>	             Fax:   (208) 883-8545
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:57:21 -0700
>From: Steve Cooke <>
>To: "'Robert Hoffmann'" <>
>Cc: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: Moscow at the Aryan Nations march
>Message-ID: <>
>On the other hand, what would have been the message of 92 angry white guys 
>marching down an empty street in Coeur d'Alene on a hot day in July? The 
>word Dadaism comes to mind.
>Steve Cooke
>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Robert Hoffmann []
>Sent:	Monday, July 20, 1998 10:32 AM
>Subject:	Moscow at the Aryan Nations march
>Idaho is too Great for Hate-This is the message that Moscow area residents
>brought to Coeur D'Alene on Saturday.  Our goal was simple-to demonstrate
>to racists that they do not represent the Idaho citizenry, and to
>demonstrate to the media and the public around the world that the Aryan
>Nations is an extremist group without popular support.   Hastily organized
>Palouse residents provided a powerful and unified voice of opposition
>against the Aryan Nations and its contingent of racists.  In under a week,
>we brought together a diverse group of about 50 demonstrators, a
>significant accomplishment considering that the A.N., with months to plan,
>could only scrape together 92 racists from across the country for their
>march of shame.
>I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who organized our
>presence, those who attended our counter-demonstration, and those who
>stopped by our table on Friendship Square to offer words of support and to
>make donations.  Contributions from the community made it possible to rent
>two vans which, combined with car pooling, guaranteed sufficient and
>convenient transportation.  So long as communities come together in this
>way, we are confident that "Never Again" is not merely an empty slogan, but
>an obligation which we are proud to fulfill.
>Robert Hoffmann                      115 N. Jackson St., Suite D
>Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA
>            Phone: (208) 883-0642
>	             Fax:   (208) 883-8545
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 11:24:58 PDT
>From: "bill london" <>
>Subject: Heart of the Arts revived
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain
>On Saturday, I went to the public meeting hosted by the Moscow Arts 
>Commission and featuring John Villani, author of the book "100 Best 
>Small Arts Towns".  As you might have guessed, the book lists the most  
>arts-friendly small towns in the US (Moscow and Sandpoint are both on 
>his list).  His topic was cultural tourism, which is economic 
>development through attracting visitors to cultural events.  
>Moscow doesn't have the tradional visitor draws (like lakes or rivers).  
>Cultural tourism is a benign kind of way to bring money into the 
>community that strengthens the community fabric instead of ripping it 
>apart as a new 100-worker factory would do.  In addition, developing a 
>strong reputation for arts results in bringing interesting and creative 
>people to a community to live and work.  For all those reasons, I like 
>the idea of strengthening the strong arts/cultural calendar that already 
>happens in this town, and marketing this town as a cultural destination.
>So, I went to Villani's talk.  The audience of about 20 included an 
>interesting mix of chamber/EDC folks who like the economic development 
>aspect, city government people trying to shephard this process, and arts 
>people who want to build more art-focused community events.  
>The essence of his talk was that grassroots, home-grown arts events and 
>marketing programs are the best and most successful.  Also, that using 
>historic buildings (like the Whitworth) as cultural centers has been 
>very successful nationwide.
>What appears to be happening now in Moscow is a revival of a marketing 
>program to boost Moscow's arts/cultural events from the mid-1980's.  
>That program was called the Heart of the Arts.  It was organized by the 
>director of the chamber John LoBuonno and an arts community volunteer 
>named Susan Davis.  They got some grant money from the Idaho Travel 
>Council, printed some posters, and put some ads in West-side media.
>The Heart of the Arts had some success.  It did give cultural events in 
>Moscow a sense of representing a community and being part of Moscow's 
>year-round arts calendar.  It may have even encouraged some tourism (I 
>don't think anyone ever measured any of that, however).
>Anyway, as I understand both the Moscow Arts Commission and the Economic 
>Developemnt Council are looking at ways of reviving that marketing plan.  
>The idea of a revived Heart of the Arts campaign was one of the 
>suggestions from the economic development group at the Community 
>Retreat.  Perhaps it's time has come.
>I hope so.  I welcome it.  Any other opinions or updates on this?
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 14:01:39 +0000
>From: "Judith Brown" <>
>To: Linda Pall <>
>Subject: Re: Moscow Pool & public art
>Message-Id: <>
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
>I am unable to attend tonight's Council meeting.  However, I hope 
>you are able to accept e-mail comments and  have them entered 
>into the record.
>I strongly support the concept of integrating  "public art" into the
>design of the pool facility and/or grounds.  In my opinion this
>could be either (i) art by local artists or (ii) art by non-local
>artists that celebrates this locale and its heritage. Artwork for
>particular sites could be selected through a  design
>More generally, I would like to see  public art incorporated as a
>design element in  Moscow's parks, pathways and other public 
>spaces.  This seems fitting with the concept of Moscow as the "Heart 
>of the Arts," and would serve to keep our community beautiful as it 
>grows and develops.
>Judy Brown
>> Date:          Sat, 18 Jul 1998 16:23:18 -0700
>> To:  
>> From:          Linda Pall <>
>> Subject:       Moscow Pool
>> Dear Visionaries,
>> The big approval point is upon us. The plans will go to the City COuncil on
>> Monday night for our collective approval and moving to the next phase for
>> the bid documents. Quite a bit of good news has come from this committee:
>>         two tanks to maximize usefulness of the entire system
>>         an emphasis on "Pacific Northwest" design elements rather than
>> plastic fantastic
>>         exceptionally good connections with the arts comission and the
>> artistic community to emphasize opportunities for inclusion of local art
>> works in the project.
>>         High consciousness of the integration of the site and the facility
>> with the surrounding neighborhood...including sound reduction efforts,
>> careful design treatment and placement of the slide, landscaping, placement
>> of the pool house, and related items.
>> Monday night at the CIty COuncil meeting, 7:30 P.M. in the COuncil
>> Third and Washington.
>> Be there or be square...
>> All the best,
>> Linda Pall
>> City Council Member
>Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 15:58:36 -0700
>From: Tom Lamar <>
>Subject: Stream Restoration Workshop and Grants
>Message-Id: <l03010d12b1d97b805fd3@[]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Moscow area visionaries interested in streams,
>The  PCEI Watersheds Program is conducting a Stream Enhancement Workshop
>this  *Saturday, July 25*  at the University Inn/Best Western for those
>interested in any aspect of stream restoration.  This all-day workshop will
>cover a number of important topics including stream bank restoration
>practices, monitoring, water quality, pest/weed management, permitting, and
>flood dynamics.  All who attend will gain hands-on knowledge from in-class
>discussion and field trips.   You won't want to miss this cluster of stream
>restoration experts.  A fee of $20 will cover workshop materials, travel,
>and lunch.   To register, or for additional information about speakers and
>agenda contact Peggy Adams at PCEI, 208-882-1444 / <>.
>As a follow-up to the workshop, PCEI will issue 10 stream enhancement and
>restoration minigrants up to $1,000 each to Latah County residents with
>stream projects outside of the City of Moscow.  Grant applications will be
>available at the workshop.  This project is funded by a grant from the US
>Environmental Protection Agency and local donors.  City residents are
>eligible for PCEI stream projects funded by a grant from the Idaho Division
>of Environmental Quality.
>Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director
>Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
>P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
>Moscow ID 83843-1096
>Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029
>Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:
>Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
>Kathleen Lester, Office Manager:
>Laurie Gardes, Financial Manager:
>Adam R. Thornbrough, Watersheds:
>Colette DePhelps, Community Food Systems:
>Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:
>Jennifer Bell, Environmental Education:
>Celebrating twelve years of connecting people, place and community.
>Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:09:43 PDT
>From: "bill london" <>
>Subject: threats to PCEI stream project
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain
>The front-page story in the Lewiston Morning Tribune today (Tuesday, 
>7/21) is an incredible story of a developer's greed and duplicity 
>threatening a wonderful community resource.
>Writer Rebecca Huntington did a great job describing the situation.  The 
>Paradise Creek reclamation project at Joseph and Mountain View streets 
>in Moscow (now called Carol Ryrie Brink Park, I believe) returned the 
>creek from a straight channel into a meandering stream with plantings 
>and flood plain water storage capabilities.  Pullman developer and WSU 
>professor Rafik Itani owns the property that adjoins the school district 
>land that forms the bulk of the land in the project. 
>According to PCEI, Itani promised to include about 5 acres of his land 
>in the project.  Besides the benefit to the project and the community,  
>his future subdivision there would increase in value since it would be 
>bounded by this beautiful park.  His in-kind donation was assumedly 
>included in the grant that funded the restoration project--as was the 
>gift from the school district.
>Last year, however, in violation of any agreement that had occurred 
>(Itani now claims he made no such deal), Itani built a road and cut 
>house pads on the erosive hillside above the park, sending silt into the 
>Worse than that however, Itani is now planning on building homes on the 
>acreage inside the reclamation project.  And as part of a 
>culvert-burying project, he dug into the reclaimed stream channel and 
>ripped out some channel-holding logs.  In the next big flood, that bank 
>will likely give way, threatening the entire project.
>That project was supported by the community and by the school district 
>as an on-going outdoor classroom setting for the district's children and 
>as a wonderful creekside trail and as a reminder of what was the 
>beautiful, pre-channelled meanderings of Paradise Creek.  To have the 
>integrity of that project--as well as the thousands of volunteer hours 
>donated to making this restoration project work--put at-risk to put a 
>few extra bucks in somebody's pockets in Pullman is incredibly 
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
>Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:35:41 -0700
>From: "Sam Scripter" <>
>To: "bill london" <>, <>
>Subject: Re: threats to PCEI stream project
>Message-ID: <000601bdb4c5$9b1714a0$c71a8dcf@scripter_home_1>
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>	charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Please see, below ....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: bill london <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, July 21, 1998 9:10 AM
>Subject: threats to PCEI stream project
>>The front-page story in the Lewiston Morning Tribune today (Tuesday,
>>7/21) is an incredible story of a developer's greed and duplicity
>>threatening a wonderful community resource.
>(... Big snip, by Sam ...)
>>That project was supported by the community and by the school district
>>as an on-going outdoor classroom setting for the district's children and
>>as a wonderful creekside trail and as a reminder of what was the
>>beautiful, pre-channelled meanderings of Paradise Creek.  To have the
>>integrity of that project--as well as the thousands of volunteer hours
>>donated to making this restoration project work--put at-risk to put a
>>few extra bucks in somebody's pockets in Pullman is incredibly
>Very well expressed, Bill.
>I read the Trib' story earlier this morning.  Your last three lines really
express my
>"gut-pit" reaction and feelings.  This "development" (pun intended) really
P----S me of!!!
>It is so hard to get cooperation on projects, to get the various "players"
together, then
>to have this happen seems almost criminal.
>What can we "poor citizens" do, now?  Picket the development, chain
ourselves together in
>front of the bull dozers?  Probably not.  If one of you win the Power Ball
>tomorrow night, will you buy his lots and give them back to the project?
>Hey, V2020 readers; am I missing something?  Is there another spin on this
story, to the
>contrary of that reported, which I should know?
>Sam Scripter

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