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RE: Old High School

 I would defer to Gib Myer or Linda Pall or someone else from city gov't on 
the requirements for bids on city contracts that might make a project more 
expensive than a similar bid for a private contract.
Steve Cooke

-----Original Message-----
From:	Lois Melina []
Sent:	Wednesday, July 08, 1998 11:18 AM
Subject:	Re: Old High School

At 10:55 AM 7/8/98 -0700, Dale Goble wrote:
>This is another of my favorite bits of nonsense: I have never seen
>anything that suggests that this is accurate.
>Dale Goble

When I questioned this, someone quite knowledgeable said it is true because
there are certain requirements in public projects that are not there in
privately funded projects. But I would be interested in learning more.
Perhaps Steve Cooke knows.

Lois Melina
Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
P.O. Box 9362
Moscow ID 83843

phone: (208)882-1794
fax: (208)883-8035

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