Re: Old High School
We've been out of town, so sorry if this isn't timely!
Roger that, Professor Goble, and here's why: government generally
does MORE than necessary on any given project (road, swimming pool,
outhouse, whatever) if given the opportunity. It does what IT wants
to do.
The private sector, on the other hand, does what is demanded of it.
If it (a store, a contractor, a school, etc.) doesn't, it dies.
The private sector is inherently unselfish: it must sacrifice
whatever it desires to build/sell in favor of what people want.
Guvmint doesn't. So, in this case, we'll be getting more pool than we
want or need.
Yours, Briana
Dale Goble wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, John and Laurie Danahy wrote:
> > The concept that was recently used to explain the cost
> > between the two pools was that Moscow's pool will be built with
> > money so naturally it would cost more. This is a problem. Why
should I
> > support a public project that is funded solely thru tax dollars
when the
> > same project could be built with private donations at a much less
> This is another of my favorite bits of nonsense: I have never seen
> anything that suggests that this is accurate. When examined in any
> detail, the presumed-ability of private enterprise to do something
> cheaply comes from the fact that it is doing less.
> Dale Goble
> Moscow
:-) Briana
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