Re: Fwd: Re: Speaking of "Toxic Palouse"
Faircominimart may have written:
(??, I thought we had to use real names)
> But the American
>public does have a level of expection in the quality and price of
>their foods.
This is just another way of saying "poisoning your neighbors for the sake of
the almighty buck".
*I* have an expectation of living where I choose and not being constantly
fed poisons I don't choose to ingest. (Naive I know, but it could be a goal.)
> I know there are many with greater expertise on
>this subject than myself but I felt I could be of help in informing
>you about the people and families you make out to be the "enemy".
Here, of course you are right. I don't intend to make anyone my enemy. And I
certainly empathize with how hard it is to make a living on a farm. My post
*was* offensive, (I was "shooting from the hip" so to speak) and I'm sorry
for that.
BTW my kids (who often terrorize your store) *were* sprayed recently by one
of those "vary careful" crop dusters (their mom was driving), and they all
got quite sick for a couple of days. I wanted to "shoot from the hip"
alright, but with bullets not words. (Of course I was stopped by a few minor
details like: the pilot in the plane, where the plane might fall, I
don't/haven't/never would own a gun. (Only minor details.))
I still maintain that industries, corporations, *universities*, and people
should NOT have the right to impose their poisons on my property and person,
or yours, or any of god's creations.
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