moscow city council 6-22 agenda
June 22, 1998 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Flag Day, Independence Day
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of May 28, 1998.
B. Approval of Minutes of June 1, 1998.
C. Bid Opening - 1998 Overlay - Gary Presol
Low bid for annual street patch and overlay project was received from
Quad-Cities Construction of Lewiston in the amount of $199,563.37.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance June 15, 1998.
ACTION: Accept low bid from Quad-Cities Construction, direct staff to
prepare contract, and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
D. Bid Opening - Sanitary Sewer Manholes Sealing - Gary Presol
Gelco Services, Inc. of Salem Oregon submitted the low bid of $37,051.58
for a project to seal ground water from leaking into a number of the city's
sanitary sewer manholes. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance June 15, 1998.
ACTION: Accept low bid from Gelco Services, Inc., direct staff to prepare
contract, and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
E. Bids for Fire Engine and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) -
Charles Lundfelt
Moscow Fire Department's bid request for a 1250 GPM Pumper generated eight
responses. MFD recommends acceptance of the low bid of $139,424 from
Wellspring Emergency Products. Low quote for SCBA (airpacks) was submitted
by the Mallory Company. Both purchases were reviewed by and have received
the recommendation of the Moscow Volunteer Fire Department Board of
Directors. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance June 15, 1998.
ACTION: Accept low bid from $139,424 from Wellspring Emergency Products,
direct staff to prepare contract, and authorize Mayor's signature thereon;
approve acceptance of Mallory Company quote for MFD purchase of SCBA.
F. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of May, 1998 - Jim Wallace
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
May, 1998, and recommends approval of the following:
General 410,390.13
Parks & Recreation 79,994.01
Arts 4,313.07
Street 70,819.62
911 14,392.36
Water & Sewer 327,681.51
Sanitation 173,848.32
Parking 2,680.63
LID Bond & Interest 52,562.16
TOTALS 1,136,681.81
ACTION: Approve Accounts Payable for May, 1998 as submitted.
G. Cooperation Agreement for Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport - Gib Myers
The University of Idaho and Washington State University have accepted the
invitation of the Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport Board to add
representatives of the two institutions to the Board as voting members.
Council approval of an amendment to the Pullman-Moscow Cooperation
Agreement is required. Reviewed by Administrative Committee June 15, 1998.
ACTION: Approve Second Addendum to "Amended Pullman-Moscow Regional
Airport Cooperation Agreement" and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
H. Right-of-Way Encroachment Request - Gary Presol
Craig T. Miller, 1010 East "D" Street, would like to construct a 3'-6" high
cyclone fence approximately 12 feet in the "D" Street right-of-way. The
right-of-way width is 80 feet. The fence would be in line with the
neighbor's fence to the west. I have reviewed the site and do not find a
potential problem with sight distance, pedestrians, or passenger unloading.
I recommend approval of the request.
ACTION: Approve right-of-way encroachment request with usual procedure of
applicant signing agreement to remove obstruction if the right-of-way is
ever needed for public use.
I. Request by John and Keith Bieren to Transfer Street Improvement
Requirement to Purchase of Land and Release Security for the Required
Improvement - Dale Pernula
The Bierens entered into a Development Agreement with the City in 1984
regarding required improvements to Myrtle and Nelson Streets which adjoin
their property. They now wish to transfer the responsibility to install
the improvements to a purchaser of the land and to have the security in the
form of a Certificate of Deposit, released. A new Development Agreement
would have to be executed before the current agreement is extinguished and
the security is returned. Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee
June 1, 1998.
ACTION: Approve enclosed Development Agreement, and after it has been
fully executed, authorize release of security under the 1984 agreement.
J. Designation of Bicycles as Surplus and Transfer of Ownership to City -
Dan Weaver
Parks and Recreation has made written request to the Police Department to
acquire two bicycles for use on the Palouse Trail, as no motor vehicles are
permitted on the path and the bicycles are needed to perform minor
maintenance tasks. The Police Department therefore requests to declare as
surplus, two bicycles currently within the inventory of the Police
Department's lost and unclaimed bicycles, and that custody and ownership
transfer to the Moscow Parks and Recreation Department.
ACTION: Approve as surplus, two bicycles currently within the Police
Department's lost and unclaimed bicycles, and approve conversion of
ownership to Moscow Parks and Recreation.
2. 7:45 p.m. Public Hearing - Appeal of Denial by the Board of Adjustment
of a Conditional Use Permit for a Mini Warehouse Facility in the AF Zone at
5012 Harden Road -- Dale Pernula
Kevin and Cynthia Adams applied for a Conditional Use Permit to construct
two, 336' x 40' metal buildings for the purpose of establishing mini
warehouses. A public hearing was held on the matter by the Board of
Adjustment on July 1, 1997, after which the application was denied. On
October 6, 1997, the City Council considered an appeal on the record of the
denial and sustained the decision of the Board. On May 18, 1998, the City
Council passed a motion to reconsider the decision made by the Council on
the appeal. A copy of the record is attached for review.
ACTION: After conducting the public hearing, take one of the following
1. uphold the Zoning Board of Adjustment's decision;
2. remand to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for further consideration (with
or without instructions);
3. approve Conditional Use Permit with conditions (such as requiring
improvements, limits on size, height, lighting, landscaping, etc.);
4. approve without conditions.
As set forth in Moscow City Code 4-8-4(B), Findings of Fact justifying the
decision are required.
3. 8:00 p.m. Public Hearing - Application to Rezone Property Located at
423 S. Asbury from CB to R-4-Mark Derethic - Dale Pernula
The applicant proposes to downzone property he owns to R-4. R-4 zoning
adjoins his property to the north and east as shown on the enclosed map. A
public hearing was held on this matter by the Planning and Zoning
Commission on May 27, 1998 (minutes enclosed).
ACTION: After conducting public hearing, reject proposal, or approve
rezoning and approve enclosed ordinance on first reading or under
suspension of the rules requiring three full and complete readings and that
it be read by tittle only.
4. Revised Ordinance for Taxicab Permit Revocation - Randy Fife
There is currently no provision for the revocation or denial of a taxicab
permit where a taxicab driver has been convicted of certain crimes which
should probably otherwise make the driver ineligible for such permit. The
attached ordinance would deny or revoke a taxicab permit for a period of
three years upon certain conditions as stated in the attached memo.
Reviewed by Administrative Committee June 1, 1998.
ACTION: Reject enclosed ordinance; or approve enclosed ordinance on first
reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three full and complete
readings and that it be read by tittle only.
5. Agreement for Consulting Services on the Swimming Pool Project - Randy Rice
Consulting Selection Committee has identified NW Architectural Services in
conjunction with Ohlson Lavoie Corporation as the successful proponent for
design services for the Hamilton-Lowe Aquatic Center. Staff has negotiated
an agreement for consulting services with the consultant and has included
the scope of work for the project. Reviewed by Public Works Finance June
22, 1998.
ACTION: Approve enclosed agreement for consulting services and authorize
Mayor's signature thereon and/or take such other action as deemed
appropriate by the Council.
6. Application for Technology Grant for Moscow Police Department - Dan Weaver
The Moscow Police Department requests authorization to apply for a grant in
the amount of $75,300 to purchase technology designed to decrease officer
report writing time. The grant will include computers and voice
recognition software. This grant requires the City to contribute 25% of
grant total or $18,825.00. Of this, approximately $10,000 is covered by
in-kind contributions. The remaining approximately $8,000 is to come from
next year's budget. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance June 15, 1998.
ACTION: Reject grant request, or approve, authorize Mayor's signature, and
authorize expenditure of approximately $8,000 from next year's operations
7. Set Date for Council Budget Workshop - Mayor Comstock
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
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