Moscow Community Retreat
A hearty thank you is extended to the nearly 200 community members
who participated in the Moscow Community Retreat on June 13th. There
was considerable lively discussion that resulted in imaginative thinking
about the future of Moscow. A printed summary of those ideas will be
available in mid-July, with at least one copy available at the Moscow
Library for citizens to review.
Planning for the retreat began last fall, and its success was
possible with the financial support of the Idaho Humanities Council,
City of Moscow, Moscow School District, University of Idaho, Gritman
Medical Center, Latah County Library District, Kiwanis Club of Moscow,
Unitarian Universalist Social Action Committee, Bennett Realty,
and several generous individual donors.
In addition, scores of volunteers were instrumental in the success of the
retreat, including many city employees from parks and planning to the
school district employees from custodial support and food service to
administrators, Opportunities Unlimited, KRPL, Latah Sanitation,
Moscow Food Coop, Moscow Day School, Moscow-Pullman Daily News,
Boy Scout Troop 345, food vendors, countless working group volunteers,
Tom Hudson Company, retreat facilitators, display participants, and the
Moscow Community Retreat Advisory Committee. Facilities were made
available by the city, school district, Latah County Historical Society,
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palouse,
First United Methodist Church, and the Moscow Public Library.
We hope to identify all of the individuals who contributed to the retreat
in the final report. If you were unable to attend the retreat or have
comments to add, we are still accepting written comments from citizens
which should be mailed to "Moscow Community Retreat, c/o Latah County
Library District, 110 S. Jefferson, Moscow, Idaho 83843" by June 26.
Susan Palmer
Retreat Coordinator
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