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The June 14th Lewiston Tribune article about the Moscow Community Retreat,
was perceived by many as having made a very unfair attack on our local
restaurants.  Dan Kemmis, the keynote speaker and former mayor of Missoula,
when commenting on Moscow was quoted as saying,"The problem is there is no
place to have lunch or dinner."  If he did say that, I have to ask how he
came to that conclusion and why didn't someone speak up?  

I would like to remind you that we have 27 restaurants in this community
that serve lunch and dinner.  These businesses are run by hard working
citizens who support this community in many ways.  They contribute money 
and resources to youth activities, charitable non-profit organizations,
social causes, food banks,  community projects, etc.  In return, they
deserve the community's support!

 In fact, lack of support  is probably the biggest problem facing our
restaurants.   I have heard criticism that we do not have enough "fine
dining" restaurants.   These types of "dinner" restaurants have come and
gone in our community.   We do have The Broiler at the University Inn  and
the Mark IV Motor Inn Restaurant, but if it were not for their locations
and support by business travelers through the week , they too might have a
difficult time staying in business.  I might also add that we have a number
of fine ethnic restaurants.  

 Starting a new restaurant requires significant investment.  Did you know
that just to start up a small café (1000 sq. feet) costs on an average 
$120,000 and this is without purchasing the property?  This does not
include buying the food, hiring employees or paying rent, utilities and
taxes.   Imagine what something larger or more elaborate might cost!

Let's give credit to our restaurants for choosing to be in business in our
community.   If you want something more, you had better be ready to be a
customer!   Consider also that it is business development and growth that
can support additional "service" types of business in our community, such
as upscale restaurants!  When I think about this, I am reminded of an old
"cliché" that with a little twist  could possibly fit the situation…"you
can't have your cake and eat out too!"

Eldonna Gossett
Executive Director
Moscow Chamber of Commerce

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