Re: Honesty to the community
I have been reading with more than passing interest the
communications on the Vision 2020 list. Unable to bite my toungue
any longer I have a few thoughts to share.
Individual problems require individual attention. Those who asked for
facts are not dismissing you or anyone else's problems. They are
merely asking for reason to displace emotion. Anything done out of
anger, whether it's unsubscribing to the list or perpeutating heresay is
a waste of everyone's time and most of all, energy.
Several questions beg to be asked:
1. Have you asked an outside agency to do an independent
investigation of the allegations for which you have supporting facts?
2. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? (Not as easy
as you might think to answer this question. Mis-directed anger,
unfounded accusation, indignance and other reactions are just
another part of the problem.)
A story, told to me by my daughter, that well-illustrates the concept:
Two families were moving into a small town. They came from
opposite directions but both stopped for gas at the same corner gas
station. The first family asked the gas station owner: "What are
people like in this town?" His reply: "What were people like where
you came from." The first family replied: "They were mean-spirited,
back-biters, gossipers and generally not very nice people." The gas
station owner replied: " You'll pretty much find people around here to
be just about the same."
The second family stopped at the same gas station and asked the
same question: "What are people like around here?" The station
owner asked the same question in his reply: "What were people like
where you came from?" The second family replied: "People were
generous, and helpful, caring, giving, happy and really friendly." The
station owner responded: "You'll find people around here are pretty
much the same." The moral of the story: You find what you are
looking for.
3. What do you want the Vision 2020 list to be? Is that the same
description and purpose the originators of the list had in mind?
And one final comment with words of wisdom from my aged father:
"It's a privilege to complain, and you shouldn't deny anyone the
My full name is Carol Alexander.
I'm a county resident and have been for seven years.
my email address: or
Dear Vision2020
Obviously you never wanted to actually have a web-site that people
the community could post problems and discuss solutions. What you
actually wanted was a few individuals who feel they have a right to
the town could get together and talk about their reading interests and
suppose maybe you share special tips on knitting and
is this have no clue, nor no desire to actually listen to
what problems exist in this community, or why would community
drop off the listserve when things got hot....I'd like to know who they
are....they certainly won't get my vote in any election.
You have made it painfully obvious in both your actions on the
and to new families coming into the community that there is not
no compassion and certainly no support for the families in
Moscow....after all (statistics from the Latah County Child Health and
Welfare Office) the majority of families in this community are
subsisting on $32,000 or less a year (the $32 is for the dual income
families no single-parent families). You have shown that you turn
nose up at these citizens as not being important enough to protect,
being important enough to listen to, and not being important enough
discuss the problems they face in everyday life because of how the
community of Moscow is being run.
Well gentlemen and ladies....since you have made it abundantly
that you have no desire to protect the civil rights of the children and
families of is time to as the federal government to step in
and take a hand. You were given the opportunity to do the right
and you chose to condemn, abuse, and dismiss any reasonable
attempt for
an investigation. You have shown that you have no desire in any
shape or form to protect the rights of your citizens....instead you want
to limit and monitor a citizens ability to be a part of your little
group, because some people are making it uncomfortable for your to
your nice, tidy little dream held on to for so long!!!!
It is obvious that federal intervention will be the only way because
mules with blinders only kick, they never reason....sometimes you
to pull them braying loudly into the 21st Century.......If that's what
it takes, so be it! Goodbye Moscow Community......hello Feds!!!
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