Re: proposed changes to list
Accept, with reservations. The best thing we could do would be to
have someone pre-read the posting and delete libelous ones.
Having said that, I think we ought to try the steering committee's
idea, first.
Briana LeClaire
Bill London wrote:
> The Moscow Vision 2020 steering committee (Susan Palmer, Priscilla
> and Bill London) met Monday pm to discuss the upcoming Moscow
> Retreat and the Vision2020 email list.
> The retreat is doing fine--the list is in trouble.
> The source of the problem, as most subscribers will recall, are some
> recent divisive, unsubstantiated and potentially libelous personal
> included in postings to this list.
> As a result of those postings, the list is at risk of losing both its
> effectiveness and its subscribers.
> Regarding the archives (a repository located at the website so
> donated to 2020 by First Step Research at the following address:
> <>):
> I received an email posting from Craig Mosman last week, angry at
what he
> noted was a potentially libelous mention of his name in a 2020
posting. In
> a later phone conversation, in a very gentlemanly manner, he
requested that
> 2020 take the offending postings out of our archives. I told him
that the
> steering committee would discuss that suggestion and then likely
post this
> issue to the list.
> Before the steering committee met on Monday, however, I received a a
> posting from First Step, announcing that they--due to concerns about
> potential libel claims--had deleted the offending posts.
> So, since First Step has assumed the responsibility for the
archives, that
> issue has lost some immediacy.
> But the larger problem of offensive postings remains. How can we
> this list open--encouraging the free flow of ideas (even outlandish
> without becoming a dumping ground for baseless and disgusting
personal blasts?
> The steering committee proposes two courses of action:
> 1. change this list to subscribers only. Now anyone who knows the
> address can post anything to this list (spam advertisements, etc). We
> suggest restricting access to people who have subscribed to the list.
> Subscribing would still be free and easy to do....
> 2. require full names for all. All subscribers would be required to
> submit their first and last names as part of the subscription
process. We
> are not sure how that process would be implemented--I intend to
> this with FSR representatives and post that info to the list. It may
> require that everyone resubscribe and add their first/last names to
the list.
> Please consider these 2 proposals and post your response
(acceptance or
> rejection) to the list. In addition, we are still hoping to hear
from more
> people regarding the other questions about the archives (whether the
> archives should be eliminated or kept the same or moderated).
> archives means that offensive postings would appear on the list, but
> taken out of the archives, according to some established criteria, by
> someone charged with that duty).
> Thanks.....
> BL
:-) Briana
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