Re: The 2020 listserve: changes?

Re: The 2020 listserve: changes?

Kathleen Warren (
Sat, 30 May 1998 20:33:50 -0800

I vote for NOT deleting the archives. That is the only record of what has
been discussed, and if newcomers start in on a discussion in progress,
without archives for reference and for verification of what has already
been dealt with, we'll find ourselves with the same old issues resurfacing
with questions raised that can most efficiently be answered with reference
to the archives. I for one questioned the community membership of some of
our participants because I hadn't taken time to read all of their posts,
and when I finally did have some time, the archives allowed me to research
the background again and determine that though they may be posting
anonymously, which I still have difficulty accepting, they are obviously
very much tied with the community and not just random list surfers causing
trouble for trouble's sake.

Likewise, I support Priscilla's refusal to put any responsibility on the
steering committee for message censorship. For what it's worth . . . Kathleen

At 06:29 PM 5/30/98 -0700, Priscilla Salant wrote:
>Tom's recent post requesting that the 2020 steering committee disallow
>gossip on the listserve made me shudder. I had just returned from a
>marathon work trip to find 20 messages on multiple subjects in my
>mailbox and I was bleary eyed with fatigue. Well-meaning, to be sure, Tom
>asking me as a member of the steering committee to be responsible for
>something way outside my control. The majority of people who have voiced
>opinion on the subject have indicated they don't want the list moderated
>(in the way Sam's described with his horse example). And as long as the
>list is unmoderated, no one can "disallow" anything.
>Throw me head first off the steering committee if you want, but I do not
>want to be responsible for deciding what is gossip and what is truth on
>this list. I don't even want to READ every post, let alone judge it.
>People who don't find this listserve informative anymore have two choices
>-- unsubscribe or don't read what's written by people who offend you. I'm
>not going to filter the list for you.
>I couldn't be more delighted that people are discussing how the listserve
>should be operated. It isn't and can't be under the control of Bill,
>Susan, and myself. I know it's scary, but there aren't any rules other
>than those the group decides. And, don't say it, I already understand that
>don't even know who the group is or what "decide" means. It's a new
>medium, every day's postings bring new surprises. Sometimes things come
>so fast and furious I shut my eyes and wish it would all go away, but it
>doesn't, and I'm still on the steering committee using the listserve and
>community retreat to encourage informed thinking about Moscow's future.
>Now another issue has come up which needs "deciding" by the "group." The
>steering committee has recently been asked by two individuals to delete
>selected postings from the archives. Both requests were fair and I
>sympathized with the reasoning, but they are also a little hard to
>accomodate. As a solution, Bill proposed that we delete the entire
>So, assorted folks, what do you think of that idea?
>--Priscilla Salant

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