Did any of you catch John Stossel's report the other night on television?
It was called "Sex, Drugs and Consenting Adults". Some of the media are, at
long last, boldly going where they haven't gone in some time. In this case,
questioning the wisdom (and constitutionality) of laws that impose the
government's will upon an individual's right to make choices about what she
or he does with their own body and property, provided that personal choice
does not directly harm another.
I believe the "Drug War" this country embarked upon some 25 years ago (and
with increased vigor in the Eighties) is tantamount to what Joe McCarthy and
company put this nation through in the Fifties. And tragically, as was the
case during McCarthy's reign of terror, many citizens have been swayed by
the glut of propaganda associated with "The War". Perhaps even more
disturbing is how many others realize that what we are doing is wrong (i.e.
spending billions prosecuting and incarcerating non-violent drug offenders
under mandatory sentencing laws while releasing violent offenders to make
room for them) yet hesitate to discuss their conclusions in a public forum,
fearing retaliation in their workplace, from their neighbors or even from
the law enforcement community. It's chilling to think of the implications.
I have previously discussed how my younger brother met an untimely death as
a result of his addiction to the legal drug alcohol. There was very little,
if any, feedback on this list concerning that sharing of my own sad, family
Yet when Ms. Trumble asks the question "who supplies the drugs in this
town?" I am fairly certain she is not referring to the legal ones, despite
the fact that the damage done by them absolutely dwarfs that done by the
handful of substances currently under prohibition.
To me the big question is: With regard to substance use and abuse, who is
going to supply some reason, some compassion, some understanding, some
tolerance and most importantly, the truth?
Greg Meyer
Mayme Trumble wrote: (snip)
>A simple medical exam and drug test of the judge in
>question would tell us alot. Maybe he has a brain tumor or early Alzheimers
>BUT it could be drugs and we should know this. No one is above the law and
>we should not allow it, if it is true!!!
>I have also wondered if the increase in our kids drug taking correlates
>with the arrival of the trashy downtown disco "The Beach". Bet it does.
>Would the police give us drug arrest figues for the last eight years?
>Who supplies the drugs in this town?? If we all knew who they were, maybe
>they would leave town.
>How do others feel about this story?? I'd like to know.
>Mayme Trumble