Very, very well expressed, Dale!
Thank you for composing and sharing those cogent thoughts.
Indeed, in our "democratic" way of life, even more important than our cherished
personal "rights" are our responsibilities about which you wrote, to not
infringe upon nor diminish the rights of others.
Sam Scripter
-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Goble <>
To: Jack Porter <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, May 28, 1998 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Alleged civil rights violations
(Big snip by SS ... )
[Dale wrote ...]
>The internet is widely hailed as inherently democratic and empowering: it
>allows individuals to broadcast their beliefs widely. This list seems
>dedicated to the proposition that free exchange of ideas is good. But
>democracy requires that speakers accept responsibility for their
>statements. There is no place in the free exchange of ideas willful or
>reckless defamation of individuals.
>Dale Goble