I suspect the golden dream of uncensored email lists -- and I'll bet it
often works out -- is for others on the list to react to wild
unsubstantiated charges by gently chiding the sender, pointing out that
it's not fair to treat others that way.
In our case, that's been done, with style and grace. The response to
those making the stylish and graceful comments pretty much came down to
calling them turkeys, and suggesting that there must be something to the
unsubstantiated allegations because "where there's smoke, there's fire."
This seems the appropriate point for me to thank all the people who have
contributed facts and thoughtful opinion in the couple years that I have
read the Vision2020 postings. I have no thanks to offer to those making
wild accusations.
My question of the day, maybe of the week: Do I contribute to the truly
hurtful accusations simply by being a member of Vision2020, a consumer?
Don Coombs