Pool election detail results

Pool election detail results

Tom Lamar (
Wed, 27 May 1998 21:02:03 -0700

Following are the results by precinct of Moscow's Pool Bond Election. The
results are in columns with tab spacings under the columns listing the
Moscow Precinct number, those voting for the pool, those voting against the
pool, "spoiled ballots", total ballots, and the percent in favor. The
percent needed to win was 66.67%. That goal was surpassed in each

Spoiled ballots are those ballots which are not clearly marked as yes or no
(most were blanks). The spoiled ballots lower the percent support because
they are counted in the total column and the percent support is figured by
the yes votes divided by the total.

I don't have the total registered voters for these precincts (and the city)
because that information changed with the same day registrations received
yesterday. Once we have that, we will know the percent turnout for the


Precinct for against spoiled total percent support

1 1 0 0 1 100%
2 148 33 0 181 81.77%
3 96 36 1 133 72.18%
4 225 56 1 282 79.79%
5 342 123 3 468 73.08%
6 126 37 1 164 76.83%
7 67 22 0 89 75.28%
8 29 8 0 37 78.38%
9 307 99 6 412 74.51%
10 224 69 0 293 76.45%
11 271 79 1 351 77.21%
12 45 12 0 57 78.95%
13 150 56 0 206 72.82%
14 71 21 0 92 77.17%
15 276 60 14 350 78.86%
16 108 40 3 151 71.52%
17 187 59 2 248 75.40%
18 54 11 0 65 83.08%
absentee 163 46 0 209 77.99%
TOTAL 2890 867 32 3789 76.27%

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