As a member of the Early Childhood Service Council, I am pleased to
announce the formation of a Citizen Council for Young Children. This group
is intended to be a coalition of citizens concerned with the quality of
life for children birth - age 8, in Moscow and Latah County. Membership is
open to families, business people, representatives of service
organizations, and community volunteers interested in identifying and
addressing issues which affect the lives of our youngest community members.
We will be holding a community meeting in late June to bring together folks
from the community who would be interested in working with/on the council.
Possible activities for the council might include:
1) working with area legislators on early childhood issues
2) identifying and/or developing community assets which can benefit young
3) facilitating educational activities or forums to increase communitiy
4) connecting volunteers with early childhood programs
Support for the formation of the Citizen Council for Young Children is
provided through a Head Start-State Collaboration grant to the Early
Childhood Service Council of Moscow. The service council is made up of
representatives from agencies that provide services to families with young
If you are interested in the Citizen's Council, please watch this list for
the meeting announcement (we're looking at Saturday, June 27), or feel free
to contact me.
Laurie Danahy
(Wearing my Head Start Hat)