<begin quoted message>
The "90# scam" actually works in some cases. As I understand it, you
to pull this trick on an operator at a corporate PBX system. Don't
to try it on your home equipment unless you own a big house with a
PBX sitting in the back yard.
Phone phreakers use this trick to get an outside line at the victim
company's expense -- BUT at least seven variant alerts surfaced in the
couple of weeks. One claims it happened at an Air Force base; another
swears it occurred aboard a docked Navy vessel. More variants identify
range of corporations, individuals, and long-distance carriers.
they look almost exactly alike, which indicates a number of hoax
buried in the mixture.
Some people still express paranoia. Obviously, you can conduct a simple
experiment -- just pick up the phone, call someone you trust, and hit
If nothing happens to your phone line...
Hope this insight helps! My very best to you.
Rob Rosenberger, webmaster
Computer Virus Myths home page
<end quoted message>
Leigh Robartes-KUOI News wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> Date forwarded: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:34:20 -0700 (PDT)
> Date sent: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:33:48 -0700
> To: vision2020@moscow.com
> From: Nick Sanyal <nsanyal@uidaho.edu>
> Subject: (Fwd) FWD: Phone Scam
> >------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> >Date: 15 May 98 11:02:25 +0000
> >From: Patty Morgan <pmorgan@idoc.state.id.us>
> >
> >Hello everyone. I thought you all might be interested in this notice. I
> >checked it out with the P.U.C. and they said it was for real, so beware
> >
> >----------------
> >I received a telephone call from an individual identifying himself as an
> > AT&T Service Technician who was conducting a test on our telephone
> >lines. He stated that to complete the test we should touch nine (9), zero
> >(0),the pound sign (#) and then hang up. Luckily, we were suspicious and
> >refused. Upon contacting the telephone company we were informed that by
> >pushing 90# you give the requesting individual full access to your
> >telephone line, which allows them to place long distance telephone calls
> >billed to your home phone number. We were further informed that this scam
> >has been originating from many of the local jails/prisons.
> >I have also verified this information with UCB Telecomm and Pacific Bell.
> >Please beware. This sounds like an Urban Legend - IT IS NOT!!! I further
> > called GTE Security this morning and verified that this is definitely
> >possible.
> >DO NOT press 90# for ANYONE. The GTE Security department requested that I
> > have this information with EVERYONE I KNOW!!! Could you PLEASE pass
> >this on. If you have mailing lists and/or newsletters from organizations
> >you are connected with, I encourage you to pass on this information.
-- M@ 46.722438 N -117.005599 W