I'm so confused.....
I'm so confused.....
Sun, 17 May 1998 14:33:17 -0400 (EDT)
Could someone let me in on what is going on,or is that some kind of secret for insiders only. Months ago I would check in on the archives of vision2020 and found it interesting....then I decided to become a subscriber. Maybe I even thought that as a business owner for the past 20 years I, too, could be considered a "visionary" for our community. Well, one would hesitate to sit down to the keyboard and submit ANYTHING. I looked forward to those ideas submitted by Jo she's gone....she "unsubscribed" herself. I cannot find anything so horrible on 2020 itself that would cause her to do this. So, after much thinking, it hit me that we "subscribers" only get part of the picture. Most of the meaningful correspondance goes DIRECT to the party. And what does this mean? Does it mean that there are those AFRAID to go public.......and why? And is there already some form of censorship on 2020. I ask because I noted that the recent archives hold two messages from Lo!
ri who asked for help subscribing with her new e-mail address. These two messages never came through to me...and why not? Is it because "someone" feels we are better off without Lori's input and like a bunch of pre-schoolers we just wont "invite" her in to play in our sandbox? I really wonder....because can I play in your sandbox? I requested information weeks and weeks ago about the retreat and have yet to hear ANYTHING. So far, every ordinary "unsubsribed" citizen I ask knows NOTHING about a retreat. If you want this effort to be sucessful you better get the word out to the commoners....after all, they make up the majority of us out there.
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