> From: Lori Sodorff <sodo8711@uidaho.edu>
> To: nobody@nsm.htp.org
> Cc: vision2020@moscow.com
> Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
> Date: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 9:35 AM
> Wow, Now I think this is something that everyone needed to know, and now
> that you have read it can you see how I would never have considered that
> "What I heard" regarding the MPD officers selling drugs was not true.
> The foundation of Moscows legal and justice systme is rotting at the very
> core. and we all know what happens to s structure with a weekend and
> rotting foundation.....it falls apart.
> I am sure that if vision2020 in its endevore to creat and sustain a
> livable community were to conduct a poll, via means other than tis
> list, regarding there close encounteres with Moscows court system you
> would hear more than you wanted to know.
> And as for the concern of drug dealers appearing before the cocain judge,
> he is harder on drug offenders than on people with multiple DUI
> convictions or multiple arrests for DUI and driving on suspended,
> resultant of the DUI, than he is on people who were caught with a
> marijuana pipe or even suspition of being under the influence of drugs.
> DRunk drivers kill people, while people who smoke pot (without combining
> drugs and alcohol) and drive don't drive fast enough to worry about
> killing anyone.
> Anyway this is a serious issue that is effecting a large portion of
> Moscow. Your tax dollars are paying to keep this "cocain Judge" on the
> stand while allowing him to pad his retirement fund.
> Aside from the fore mentioned problems I have also witnessed unfair
> and unjust treatment at the hands of The judge and The attourney to
> someone just because they are either friends or a relative of soemone who
> has been in troulbe with the law on one or more occations. Whatever
> happend to Justice for all....I guess know in Moscows Judicial system it
> is justice for all unless..........
> Perhaps my posting of the MPD officers and drug sales was not on target
> but, it does seemed to have opened a rotting can of worms that, in order
> to restore Moscow to the town it was a decade + ago, needs to be not only
> addressed but dealt with. One way to do this is at the voting booth, and
> another way is to open your eyes and beleive nothing you see or read. To
> turn the other cheek in this matter will not make our community better,
> but will eventualy allow the higher ups to creat a systme of there own
> design. If you wnat to live in a Nazi community then disregard this
> if however, you want to live in a true Community then open your eyes and
> start helping the few that are trying to make a difference. If just two
> people can make a difference in their community just think what several
> thousand or the population of this news group could do.
> Now, if this post compels you to respond lets be careful not to hurt
> anyones feelings, maline anyones character or opinion or suggest that
> is not the plase for this sort of discussion, because I believe that this
> topic is deserving of discusion more than anything else I have seen on
> this list. More than linear parks, More than pretty roads, More than
> where to put the pool. The justice systme is the foundation of the
> community and without true and equal justice you have nothing more than a
> group a commoners living under the hands of the Crown.
> Peace be with you,
> Kay. Across the wall of the world,
> A River sings a beautiful song. It says,
> Come, rest here by my side.
> -- Maya Angelou