Legislative Council Interium Study Committee

Tom Trail (ttrail@moscow.com)
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 07:52:21 -0700 (PDT)


The Legislators adopted four concurrent resolutions and passed a House bill
during the 1998 session to create five new Legislative Council interim study
committee, joining the two year committee established in 1997 to study electric
utility restructuring.

. HB 689--Establishing a committee to study property tax exemptions granted
to charitable organizations and nonprofit hospitals.

. HCR 33-Establishing a committee to study revenue sharing, loans and grant
programs and shared revenue sources which affect the cities, counties
and other special districts that deliver services to Idaho citizens.

. HCR 43 - Establishing a committee to study legislation relating to state
and local units of government impacting the value of private property

. HCR 50 - Establishing a committee to study the separation of environmental
matters into the Department of Environmental Quality.

. SCR 130 - Establishing a committee to study alcoholic beverage laws and
evaluate those that create alcohol special interest groups.

A number of legislators proposed that we establish an Interium Committee
to study the issue of School Facilities. Leadership did not approve the
request. I felt that this is a very important issue of concern for our
District, i.e. Troy, Genesee, etc.

This summer I will be serving on A Committee to Study Reading Education in
Idaho. This committee is being funded by the Albertson Foundation.

Rep. Tom Trail/Dist. 5

Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
2039 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel: (208) 882-6077
Fax: (208) 882-0896
e mail ttrail@moscow.com