MONDAY 4:30 p.m.
April 20, 1998
1. Approval of Minutes of April 6, 1998
2. Accounts Payable for March, 1998 - Jim Wallace
3. Request from Terry Gregory to Extend Sewer Services Outside City Limits
- Dale
Pernula (Council Agenda #7)
4. Bid Results on East Third Street L.I.D. - Gary Presol
5. Resolution of City Claims Radavich/Stevens - Randy Fife
(Council Consent Agenda H & I)
ADA Compliance Re Subdivision Designs, Rolling Hills Subdivision - Gary Presol
Quarterly Financial Report - Jim Wallace
4/27/98 Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D. - Lilly Street - Gary Presol
4/27/98 Final Discussion on Hogg Creek Drainage Issue - Gary Presol
4/27/98 Downtown Sidewalk Repair Request re Darold Bingham - Randy Rice
4/27/98 City Shop Complex Consultant Selection - Gary Presol
Paradise Creek Overall Project - Gary Presol