Re: How Much is Too Much

Jo Williams (
Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:01:43 -0700

Rep Trail,
Have a heck of a time figuring out who sent what to whom, but let me
clarify one point I made (or evidently didn't make) in my 2020 posting; I
would like to see a community-developed program that's ongoing, or say one
evening a week for several months. On that evening, each group of parents
could have a weekly speaker in their time slot to talk with teens.
One group of parents might wish to have a 'just say no' type speaker
while the later group might have a speaker discuss the various arguments
for/against legalizing marijuana. The next week, a different topic, but
each group following their own philosophy. Parents can decide which
series of speakers they want their kids to hear; some might like their
teens to be exposed to both approaches.
I didn't mean to suggest that all aspects of all addictive substances
could possibly be addressed in one hour on one night.
I agree that a long term commitment is necessary; I just think parents
have too many different feelings about each of these drugs to have one
outside organization, with a single view, represent the community.
Jo Williams