Re: Enough Is Enough

Don Coombs (
Fri, 3 Apr 1998 17:15:12 -0800 (PST)

"Enough is Enough" seems a great title for a program, but it would be a
program to get this country's (and this state's, and this county's)
attention focused on the excesses of the present "Drug War."

We have a country in which numerous studies show "DARE" to be ineffective,
but it is a country in which few leaders are willing to deal in real
reality, as opposed to "political reality."

To the extent that "Enough is Enough" tries to shift the focus from
putting users in the slammer to getting them treatment, it could be a
great step forward.

The challenge to the people pushing "Enough is Enough" is to provide some
line of separation from the present unproductive approach to the drug
problem. I have no reason to believe they aren't planning to do just that.
And of course alcohol is a major drug of concern. Good comments on V2020
to that effect.

I've also noted that any criticism of traditiional
bust-them-and-put-them-away law enforcement really attracts the attention
of the state narcotics agents. (I'm too old to call them narcs.) To make
it easier for them, I hereby stipulate that I put my garbage out on
Tuesday mornings. (Watch out for the spoiled spaghetti sauce.)

Don Coombs