moscow city council 4-6-98 agenda

Gib Myers (
Fri, 03 Apr 1998 14:10:50 -0800


Monday, April 6, 1998 7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
Proclamation - Second Judicial District - Court Appointed Special Advocate

1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.

A. Approval of Second-Hand Dealer and Pawnbroker License - Gib Myers
John Hagerty has applied for a Second-Hand Dealer license for All About
Sports, located at 218 S Main. The Moscow Police Department has
recommended approval of the license.

ACTION: Approve issuance of a Second-Hand Dealer license to John Hagerty
for All About Sports located at 218 S. Main Street in Moscow.

B. Change Order #3 Chipman Trail Project - Randy Rice
This change order addresses drainage problems that occurred near the start
of the trail at Perimeter Drive. In addition, the installation costs for
benches and bollards have been removed from the project pending future
decisions about location. Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee
April 6, 1998.

ACTION: Approve Change Order #3 and authorize the Mayor's signature.

C. Idaho Transportation Department Grant Application - Randy Rice
The Idaho Transportation Department has called for grant applications to
fund enhancement programs, including bicycle and pedestrian paths, in
conjunction with federal aid highway funds. The deadline for the
applications was March 30, 1998. Staff submitted the paperwork necessary
for the project to be considered for funding. Council authorization for
this action is being requested. Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance
Committee March 3, 1998.

ACTION: Provide retroactive authority for the Mayor's signature on the
grant application.

2. Amendments to Ordinance 98-07 Authorizing Swimming Pool Bond Election -
Gib Myers
Amendments to the pool bond election ordinance adopted by the Council on
March 23, 1998 and related documents are necessary to permit addition of a
second polling place and to allow the use of paper ballots in lieu of punch
cards. Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance committee on March 30, 1998.

ACTION: Approve Ordinance 98-08 amending Ordinance 98-07 and authorize
Mayor's signature thereon, or take such other action as the Council deems

3. Hearing 7:30 PM - Petition to Vacate an Alley Right-of-Way Located East
of Almon Street between First and "A" Streets - Dale Pernula
Jim DeMeerleer proposes to vacate an unused piece of alley right-of-way
north of and adjacent to three lots he owns on First Street. There is a
developed alley extending through the same block but with a north-south

ACTION: After conducting the public hearing, reject proposal, or approve
the alley right-of-way vacation and adopt attached ordinance on first
reading, under suspension of the rules requiring three complete readings.

4. Report on Idaho's Promise to Youth Program - Lynn Cameron
Idaho's Promise to Youth program promotes community asset building as a way
to understand and implement youth development. The program is premised on a
recent study showing that the availability of key community assets to the
youth of a community increases the likelihood that they will become
productive citizens as adults.

5. Report on Traveling Vietnam Veteran's Memorial - Richard Lyons
Sponsored by the Inland Empire Vietnam Memorial Committee, the Vietnam
Healing Wall will be displayed in Moscow at Guy Wicks Field from June 2
through June 9, 1998. Opening ceremonies for the display will be conducted
at 9:30 AM on June 3.

6. Set Date for Goal Prioritization meeting - Pam Palmer


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