Inside and outside

Tom Lamar (
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 09:04:58 -0800 (PST)

Some like to do it inside, others like to do it outside. I like to do it
in both places. It makes perfect sense to me that we would replace in
outside pool with another (improved) outside pool. We do have the weather
to make a go of it, we have 60+ years of history to demonstrate the weather
and the demand. I also believe that there are very "swimmable" days in May
and September that we could enjoy with this new facility.

An inside pool, and an outside pool are two very different facilities and
two very different experiences. To me, it would not make sense to build an
indoor pool to replace Ghormley. If we successfully pass this bond levy
and get this new pool, we will have the space (half the land purchased with
the bond), and maybe the interest in pursuing an inside gymnasium or inside
pool. If we don't pass this bond levy, we lose the land option, we lose
the Hamilton's donation of $325,000 to purchase the land, and we lose all
momentum for any kind of pool.

If you want an indoor pool in Moscow now, then give me a call and we can
find a time to go swimming at the UI. If you just don't want an outside
pool in Moscow, please try to understand why other people want one.
Moscow's proposed pool will serve our community well and we should support
