Re: Idaho Prisons

Re: Idaho Prisons

Joan Berney (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 14:42:44 PST


I appreciate the information Dan, by my interest is in the
forgotten youth. The teens from approximately 12 to 19 years.
And when I say outreach, I'm not talking a little help with their
homework. I'm talking real help with dealing and learning to deal
with life....whether its good or bad.....outreach that if there is
a lack at home they can fill it outreach that works
on reality-based counseling/therapy......The counselors and
teachers in the public schools in the state of Idaho are no longer
available for these kids to go to because of the new law/rule/mandate
sent down this last September. If there's no confidentiality,
there's no sharing.....and that's the way it is folks! If there's
no sharing, there's no healing........What about outreach for teens
in an active youth legal advocacy counsel (could be set up by using
already existing community resources)........outreach for teens like
the local police teaching self-defense......especially those living
in situations that are physically dangerous.......if the judges won't
take them out of the home, at least we can teach them how to deal
with it.....and how to protect themselves if it comes to
that......0utreach for teens in the availability of a safe place
(like domestic violence) where they can go to be safe from an abuser
without being considered runaway.......Outreach to the teens in the
sense of building self-esteem and good feeling by working with the
whole community and showing them how very important they are to

That is the kind of outreach I'm talking about.....all these things
can be pulled together from different services already serving the needs a place to locate itself and the groups to
get together and do it!!!! I have a rough plan worked out already of
what community groups could be pulled together to accomplish this. I
am asking to have a need filled......that is not being filled right

Joan B.

To: "Joan Berney" <>
From: (schmidt6) Subject: Re:
Idaho Prisons Cc: Date:
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 13:18:05 -0800

>Do you hear the voice of sanity calling? A little prevention, a
>little outreach, a little unselfish giving to our children....can
>keep them from prison......what a small price to pay to save in the
>future!!!!! Unless of course you want to be know as the White
>Supremicst/Prison State....or perhaps how you are perceived outside
>the state doesn't matter. I mean the statistics for Idaho show an
>appalling need for Youth when do we start?!!!!!
>Joan B
>Joan: If you are interested in outreach this community has two excellent
programs. One is a youth mentoring program managed by Charlie Gerke through
the school district. This is working with adolescent youth at risk.
Currently they have about eighteen mentors. The second is a Family support
program through Gritman Hospital. Marci Schreiber is the director. This
program is granted through the Dept of H&W. It serves families of infants
through five years of age. I'm sure either of these programs would welcome
your efforts. Dan Schmidt

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