lets take it a step further. Lets make the pool truly run in the black.
User fees should be enough to turn a significant profit. For example
Year one - invest $325,000; earn 5% interest = $16,250 + $308,750(user fee
another $325,000 add this to original investment
Year two invest $650,000; earn 5% interest = $32,500 + $292,500(user fee
profit) = another $325,000 added to investment
Year three invest $975,000; earn 5% interest = $48,750 + $276,000(user fee
profit = another $325,000 added in:
and so on and so on
Note each year the user fees will be less, and at the end of ten years
property taxes will have paid off the bond and user fees will have banked
another 3.6 million used for additional rec facilities. Thus another new
facility could be produced and the cycle started over again. This is true
long term planning, not short term spending.
John Danahy