Re: (Fwd) Re: Re[2]: Swimming Pool Committee

Re: (Fwd) Re: Re[2]: Swimming Pool Committee

Lori Keenan (
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 08:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Hear, hear! Lori Keenan

>I really don't see that this name calling is accomplishing much of
>anything except to make the situation more divisive. People can be
>misinformed and they can be mistaken but it doesn't mean that these
>are intentional "false accusations and attacks" against the pool
>committee. Criticism is a normal part of give and take in any open
>discussion and dialogue and we shouldn't be offended by it.
>Vision2020 has a reputation for calm and balanced discussion, so maybe
>we should cool it..
>Bert Cross
>From: Mital_Jim/
>Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 12:46:26 -0800
>Subject: Re[2]: Swimming Pool Committee
>Lois, I don't know how else to tell you that NO ONE on the committee was
>coerced, forced, or otherwise manipulated to vote for the in favor of the
>recommended facility. It was indeed a unanimous vote not a majority(I was
>there, you weren't), and the committee backed the plan 100% as best meeting
>the needs of the most people.
>Your false accusations and attacks on the committee reflect poorly on
>yourself. I can assure you this was one of the best functioning committees I
>have ever served on whether you believe it or not. All the committee members
>sincerely wanted to work for a new pool in Moscow--one that would meet the
>needs of the most people. It was indeed a compromise, but as I indicated in a
>previous message, the willingness to compromise for the common good is a lost
>trait in society today with rare exceptions, such as the pool committee's
>Any of the committee members would be more than willing to talk further with
>you about pool issues, but please stick to the facts rather than conjuring up
>falsehoods. As I also stated previously, now is the time for us to come
>together and support the pool. If we don't, I don't foresee ANY pool or
>recreation center ever being built in the future. If this project succeeds, I
>think the door will be wide open for further recreational developments (such
>as an indoor pool, gymnasium, etc.) on the remaining 5 acres of the park.
>> Again, I'll thank the swimming pool committee for its work because I know
>> how many hours you spent working on this issue.
>> I do think, however, that had the swimming pool committee itself worked to
>> reach consensus, what would have emerged would have been a plan that would
>> have been less divisive. My understanding (from a member of the pool
>> committee) is that while committee members agreed to back the final plan
>> 100% rather than present a divided stand, the final plan was determined by a
>> "majority vote" rather than by consensus.
>> YOu can't fault the community for not agreeing 100% with the committee when
>> not even all the committee members agreed with the final plan.
>> I'm just coming off serving on a jury, but that hasn't been my only
>> experience with decision-making by consensus. It's a much longer process,
>> but in the end, everyone feels they have been heard and their needs taken
>> into consideration.
>> ************************
>> Lois Melina
>> Editor, "Adopted Child" newsletter
>> P.O. Box 9362
>> Moscow ID 83843
>> phone: (208)882-1794
>> fax: (208)883-8035
>Jim Mital
>Forest Soil Scientist/Ecologist
>Clearwater National Forest
>phone: (208) 476-8348
>fax: (208) 476-8329
>email: jmital/
>Bert Cross
>1448 Borah Ave.
>Moscow, ID 83843
>Phone: (208) 882-7660
>Bert Cross
>1448 Borah Ave.
>Moscow, ID 83843
>Phone: (208) 882-7660

Lori Keenan, Director
Latah County Library District
110 S. Jefferson Street
Moscow, ID 83843
tel: (208)882-3923
fax: (208) 882-5098

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